Chapter 76: Seo Yeon

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He kissed me again. He actually kissed me again that day when we flew kites. The I fell for so long ago, who took me in to protect me actually kissed me. Maybe if I kept saying it then it would feel real? But was drunk. And who knows what he does when he's like that. But it did happen...and I'm pretty sure he wasn't sleeping, there was way too much force on the top of my head and the kiss...well...I was blushing so hard just thinking about it. I kept tossing and turning in bed, trying to ignore his bittersweet that was still on my lips that I wanted to taste again.

But I was also so angry at Seon-Ho I was lost for words. I couldn't believe he ratted me out to my brother before I had the chance to tell him everything myself. Hwi was so angry at me for the first time he looked like he was close to beating me after he came to visit me. I knew from that moment on he was going to make my life a nightmare until I surrendered myself to him, even though he was set up to marry someone else! The woman the King sent to him! He had his birthright restored so I thought he would break off our relationship, but there was no way I was going to let him get away with this. And how was this going to work out? With me as his concubine? Was I really capable of sharing the man I loved? And when did he finally see me as a woman?

I tried to carry on as normal for a while until I had no idea what to do with myself. After a few days I couldn't take it anymore and even Hwi sensed that something was wrong but I could only put him off so many times. Until one day at dinner I sat down with him and convinced him to let me go back at work full time now. He really wasn't happy about this at all but we had both been through a lot and even though he was ready to settle down and put it behind him I couldn't do anything to ease my confused mind unless I burdened it with work. We continued to talk about it until we came to an agreement; that I would work for 2years, and after that he would marry me off to the person of his choice. It broke my heart but the man I loved was in love with someone else so what choice did I have but to agree?

Hwi wanted to take me away for a while but Seon-Ho's new position gave him power, and he wouldn't let either of us leave the village until my brother had made his decision. And I knew he was waiting for me to confront him in person but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction I went to work as usual a couple of days later and I couldn't help feel people's eyes on me as I walked through the market, even my employer was scared to look me in the eyes. I went up to him to ask what was wrong but he only replied that he had to rethink the working relationship between himself and 'the general's wife-to-be.' I was so flustered and angry that I couldn't help but take it out on the books I worshipped before. I was so furious that I swear that I was going to strangle him if was in front of me...

And in front of me he was; in his new outfit that I couldn't help but notice fitted him much better than his other clothes...he smelt really nice and looked taller than usual...and bigger. I was starting to blush and he had the damned nerve to laugh. He gave my employer a look and told him I was going on my lunch break early whenever he came to see me. I couldn't help but march over to him ready to wrap my hands around his throat but he pinned me to the bookshelf before I could say a word. We didn't talk to each other but he was standing so close to me I could hardly breathe. Then he started having a casual conversation with him about my damned work contract...that he drew up himself when I got re-hired! I couldn't believe this asshole! I tried to leave but he wrapped his arm around my waist so I couldn't leave while he teased me with his other hand out of sight of my employer before they both left, but not before he made me kiss him again before he left, leaving me trembling on the ground with tears of both gratitude and frustration both pouring out onto my hand which he held onto so tightly that I missed him again...until he returned later on in the day with a smug look on his face the I was ready to knock off, but he he'd me in his arms before I knew it.

"You're brother gave me his blessing, so what's taking you so long to come around Yeonnie?"I tried to kick him in his chest area but he held my leg down and lifted up my skirt, exposing my bare legs. I thoroughly wanted to hit him, but not before telling me that I was his only wife he recognised in this life and all the others. I know he was also going to make me pay for everything I hid from him and exposed publicly as a way to keep me in his life but I was just so overwhelmed and he wasn't talking to me about any of this. I knew he only did that when he already had a plan and a much as I deserved it for what I revealed recently I was angry he wasn't letting me in on this plan that could affect me for the rest of my life.

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