Chapter 125: Seo Yeon

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I tried to hide as much as I could from him, as much good as it did me; where else could I go? But he wouldn't let me be. He found me at every new chore I got; every new place I moved to, to the point where he would visit me as soon as my brother stepped outside. Despite the stalking, he still started things out slowly; holding my hands behind everyone's backs, cornering me alone, making sure I had anything and everything I needed, and touching me whenever he could. He didn't do anything against my will but he didn't exactly ask for my permission either. He treated me like I belonged to him without question. But he was also making me pay for leaving him and hiding things from him by making it difficult for me to do anything on my own without him; people wouldn't take my money for food or clothing and he knew I wouldn't tell my brother or rely on him so I had no choice but to turn to Seon-Ho again.

And it wasn't all bad; he was there for every trial & tribulation I faced at work, he always sent me food and warm clothes and he was always there waiting for me in my room regardless of the weather or his busy schedule. He held me in his gaze every time I was in his vision of sight, he would follow me in every corner I went to and he would make me tend to him that only a wife could. He knew I loved him so much that I could never refuse him when he wanted to have me but even then he treasure me like a priceless piece of jade. He even treated my scars and bruises that I got from work and even made himself comfortable in my new workplaces so he could keep an eye on me, and no one dared to confront the young army general otherwise. He even made my workmates and superiors respect me as if I carried his wife's title. I had attracted some unexpected attention in my jobs but Seon-Ho made his presence around me clear as day. He even went as far as to hold my hand in his no matter whose presence we were in, even when I was working my shifts. I tried to push him away with all my might; I tried to ignore him and even insult him but he just stood firm in my path no matter what I tried. I even tried to put myself in other men's presence but he would always get rid of them...and make me pay for it even more. He would tease me and torment me endlessly for it and wouldn't stop.

He didn't leave me alone. In fact, he only left my room for work which was good for him. He wasn't used to being restless but he needed to learn. The first day after he arrived he kept pacing up and down the room until I broke the tension between us and and I had to practically pull him onto the floor before laying his head on my lap; telling him to just rest and learn how to breathe again without doing 100 things at once as usual. I almost laughed at how uncomfortable he was but he eventually learnt how to just relax, dozing off into quite a peaceful sleep. He then began to sneak into my room when Hwi was asleep; but we only slept next to each other. He would see me when Hwi left and he would just follow me everywhere like a lost lamb. We didn't even talk very much still but I cared for him, I fed him, kept him warm and I would shower him with compliments and praises whoever he tried something new from my world like learning how to cook a little on his own as he was going to need it with his new job. I could see the shock and guilt that stuck on his face whenever I did that and it absolutely broke my heart to see it. He had so much guilt that I couldn't possibly distance myself from him, not now. He wouldn't even let me touch him for a while but he would kind of...look at me with wide eyes as if praises were a foreign language. He then stared to slowly get comfortable with me enough to where I would then slowly rub his back or pat him on the head and he would always collapse onto my lap as if he wanted more but I didn't mind...I had a lot of love to give to him. But then it come to a point where he got a little...dark at times and he forced me to give him as much affection and attention as I could but I wasn't shocked or upset by this behaviour; I would be a fool not to see it coming after everything he had been through already. He stared sleeping closer to me, he would lay his head on my lap as his hands would start to wander...he would even watch me bath and change my clothes although I did not protest to any of it. There was something....much deeper that was festering between us to the point where I was about to totally surrender myself on his every whim and devote myself to him entire and vice versa.

I felt conflicted...I was so happy with Seon-Ho and he catered to me like a lovesick puppy, a little too much at times but I knew his struggles, and I also knew he was to all of this. And he made me a part of his life as much as he could...although we didn't ever talk about his other upcoming upset as we both were we were also just...too lost in each other to care about it. He also made his feelings very clear on the situation, reassuring me of my fears; he had even stopped going to Ihwaru for my sake when he wanted to drink alone. But we still hadn't really talked about what we needed to; about what I did even though I knew it was coming up. But we also didn't want to break whatever it was between us that was so strong that we could not see anyone else in our worlds....we were too comfortable with each other and bless him he had really put all of my doubts to rest as much as he could.

Seon-Ho had started settling himself into his job and he had started talking about our public wedding to me, despite his other marriage that he may not be able to get out of. But despite all the hardships he had seen me take on; bullying, unfair treatment, work set ups, how some people shunned me and so on but it was like he wasn't taking me seriously just because he was there for me every time and solved all of my problems for me by using his sword, as if he would be there for me every time as well. He even sent my brother to talk to me about it seriously, as if he wasn't busy enough with his own plans for his girlfriend. I mean...he had proven himself more than enough but I was still uneasy as if I would drag him down somehow...but when I brought up my concerns he wouldn't hear of it anymore and had already started preparing wedding preparations in the palace!

We ran into Chun-Ae the market stalls in rags that were far worse than what myself and my brother were forced to wear a few weeks later. They were all torn to shreds and her skin...her skin was covered in dirt and blood, with a foul stench that lingered on from a mile away. She clung onto him the moment she had him in her sight, begging him to take her back to serve him, causing a scene in public and trying to pressure him. He stepped back with disgust in his eyes, fully aware of the trouble she caused for me over and over again. He looked like he was going to strike her but I had to hold him back for fear of public backlash. But she started screaming at me, shouting that I was the one controlling all of his actions and I was the reason she was living a miserable fate. We could see that all the noble wives had come out to make something of the scene so he had his men take her away hastily. Seon-Ho was still an angry person with violent mood swings although he had gotten better with time. I held onto his arm to calm him down a little until we made our way home...and that wasn't the last time we saw her either.

Once again, just as I thought I could be happy I had yet another woman after my man. I asked both him and Hui-Jee about her and they assured me that nothing had happened between them. But for some reason...something was off. He could clearly exile her or do away with her in some other way but...he didn't even try. I shuddered at what I think he was, we had already sorted everything out. And he loved me too much...he wouldn't surely...

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