Chapter 126: Seo Yeon

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When I had returned to the palace, Seon-Ho had completely and utterly lost his mind as well as Hyo-Sonn when they saw how close Hyun-Ki was to me. Since coming to the palace the girl was bullied by everyone around her so she hadn't gotten a chance to make a move against me apart from spreading lies about me to make people despise me, and even that didn't work. We were close friends once indeed but her obsession had blinded her and she wasn't even worth my time to be honest. But now here she was trying to sabotage every chore I got, break everything that was entrusted to me from his concubines who strangely got along with me. We all knew his sexuality and they were only used for image and no one could dispute 'my courtship' with the army general so they knew I was not in danger of joining his harem. They could all tell what was going on with myself and Hyo-Sonn, so they knew something was wrong when I couldn't carry out my chores to the best of my ability, which was rare. She was still being bullied so there was not much for me to do; they saw her attempts to discredit me and they took out their own frustrations onto her. Hyo-Sonn was still so blinded to her jealousy that not even Hyun-Ki could calm her down. She still got very excited when he talked to her, but whenever he mentioned my name to her she would throw the biggest tantrum I had ever seen and she even tried to attack me in public! She took on far more punishments then she should have but she still didn't learn her lesson at all. In the end she was sent down to the department of hard labour os she couldn't touch me at all, although Chun-Ae had worked her way to the Queen's side bewilderedly so nobody could touch her.

Things got worse when Hyun-Ki waited for me after my every chore, he insisted on buying my lunch from me by tasing me to expensive restaurants and he even had a carriage waiting for me at the of the day. Seon-Ho was always in a bad mood and soon enough I had al of his servants running to me telling me about his cruel behaviour that mirrored his father's. In the end I had no choice but to confront him myself when he was at his worst; drunk and sloppy. He took one look at me and scooped me in his arms, and no matter how hard I tried to free myself from him I couldn't. He held me so tightly that I thought I was going to suffocate before I had even opened my mouth, but before I could even get a singe word out Chun-Ae had burst through the door with a look of thunder.
My interactions with her had been fairly unpleasant in the palace; from the first day on my job she had tried recruit everyone who worked with us to go against me, but when both Prince's started interacting with me that didn't happen. Instead I had gained everyone's respect form our connections and my hard work and soon enough I found myself as one of the most known people in the palace without even trying, although I was still to be Bang-Gan's lady-in-waiting. There was no promotion for me whatsoever...unless I was willing to become a concubine and no way was that going to happen. She tried to mess with me in all ways possible...and as soon as Seon-Ho's made his intentions clear to me the Queen didn't like me much either and recruited Chun-Ae to her side as soon as she could to torture me on the her behalf. But thankfully both Princes helped me out enough to block any face to face meetings she called me for. Chun-Ae wasn't an outstanding servant at all, in fact she never was she prided herself into serving the Nam's, then in the palace and now by the Queen's side when she possessed no talent, nor skill nor influence. Even the Queen and the rest of her ladies mocked her whenever they had the chance but both her and Hyo-Sonn had not done anything extensive to harm me yet no matter how hard they tried; they only deluded themselves in the imaginary power they held now that they were working in the palace. But now here she was in front of me; trying to rip her imaginary man off of me while he kept me in his grasp and trying to rip my clothes off of me. She grabbed my by my hair and Seon-Ho still drunk, finally noticed what was going on and he threw her off of me with a single move, picked her up from the floor literally threw her out of his office before giving her the loudest lecture I had heard in my life. I tried to run away but he caught me by my arm and threw me back inside before the servants saw me and ordered his own servants to drag he out of the palace. She lost all composure then and practically begged him on her knees to take her back before hurling abuse at me.

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