Chapter 96: Seo Yeon

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I had a few things to sort out with my man before finally putting my plan into action. So far we had managed to keep the meeting secret from Seon-Ho as we continued our new daily rituals of our regular meetings. I woke up in his embrace a few days later with a smile on my face; he had been getting stressed a lot more lately since his promotion and I was ashamed to admit that I forgot how hard he worked sometimes. I decided to spoil him today and take him out...there were burdens I wanted him rid of before we started our new life together. Thankfully Prince Bang-Gan was out all week so we rescheduled our meeting for after a few days so I finally had time to do this for Seon-Ho.

He was staying in a temporary estate where we started meeting regularly. I made him an outfit I'd never thought he'd wear...just for emergencies. I tried not to burst out laughing as I went to the kitchen and prepared a large breakfast...god know's we'd be needing it. I then prepared us some food for the journey and got ready myself. But when I saw him in the outfit...he looked like a different person entirely. He looked like a normal man his age with no burdens; happier...bigger...and full of life. I lost all control of myself...before I let him have a bite of breakfast I was all over him, trying to hold on to every part of him for as long as I could. I had never let myself go out of control as I was right now although I barely managed..and I just wanted him to myself for a while before I surprised him even more later on.

I wanted him to have the full underprivileged experience by having us ride together by carriage, something I know he wasn't used to. It was honestly so adorable to see his reaction to all the things he hadn't done since his mother was alive. Our destination was a few hours away but we were both grateful to be together in a different environment and experience new things side by side. Do not misunderstand me, I was happy that Seon-Ho was able to achieve all his goals but I wanted my family out of the palace at the same time. I wanted to show him all the different ways of life he could be living if anything threatened his job or position...just in case.

We finally arrived in the small village; I still hadn't told my man anything about today and I tried to keep quiet about it no matter how much he kept on asking me. As we made our way to the home we were looking for I couldn't help but notice a new change had come over him. He was calmer, happier and I could tell he had gotten rid of most of his burdens and worries...even his insecurities. I felt like he understood myself and my brother's lifestyles a lot more now with ease; why I chose to go back to living with the lower classes after freeing myself from his father's grip whereas my brother no longer had that choice now that he had become one of Bang-Won's men. He had sustainable incomes and could almost certainly provide for his woman, even me and Seon-Ho if he wished in case anything happened to us...I looked at my man again. Although he was delighted, there was still a hint of sadness...I know he missed my brother. But Seon-Ho had no idea that my brother missed him even more...but they were unable to do anything about it due to their positions in the palace.

We walked together like a real married couple throughout the town until we came to the right place. I looked at him and told him there were some people had to meet and took him by the hand to greet the woman who was waiting for us so impatiently. I tried to keep his mod up but the minute she had him in her sights, the old woman ran to him in tears, hugging and kissing him while she broke down and kept calling him by his mother's name.

He completely froze in shock; he didn't know what to do with himself. The more he tried to free himself the she clung onto him desperately. I went up to him and told him to just let all of her emotions out until she passed out. I made him carry her inside and then I lead him on a tour of what was once a noble estate that housed generations of scholars and military personalities alike. I should have done this a lot sooner but too many things had happened and I kept in touch with this nanny despite everything and she had only returned back to the village recently with whatever family she had left. He had a lot of questions for me but I just kept quiet and told him to concentrate on the see if anything looked familiar to him. He looked at me wide eyed but he didn't utter another word and tried to take in as much as he could in every room that we came across. But I stopped him before we stepped foot into the last room; I took his hands into mine and I finally explained that we were presently in his mother's home...and that we were right now standing outside his mother's bedroom. I told him the reason that I was showing all of this to him now was that I wanted him to get some closure on the situation and to release as many of his past demons as possible before we started our lives together legally...if that was still an option after everything I was going to put him through...

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