Chapter 43: Seo Yeon

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I wasn't shocked when I saw the mansion we were imprisoned in was torn and abandoned, assuming Nam-Jeon's enemies much have had the chance to destroy his dream home. But I was shocked when I heard people on the street recant how the young master of the house got angry enough to almost tear it apart on his own. I left my horse at the stable which was still intact and searched for him everywhere until I reached Ihwaru. I ran to Hui-Jee whom I greeted warmly, despite the fact that I knew he was in love with her. But she had a strange look on her face when she saw me and tried to stop me looking for him when I asked. "What happened? Is it Seon-Ho? Has something happened to him?" I tried to push through but she was still holding me back and took me to her room first and sat me down "Yeonie...what on earth did you do to him?" My heart dropped. I had never heard her used such a serious tone with me before and she looked genuinely concerned. "What...what do you mean?" I whispered, nearly unable to look at her in the eyes all of a sudden. I held onto my heart a if it was about to slip out of my body. "Seon-Ho...has changed. Badly, since you left." "Me? Are you sure" I was completely dumbfound, this was the last thing I was expecting. "Are you sure it's not because of Hwi?" I didn't like the look she gave me; like she was dumbfounded by how clueless I was. I started to panic and I almost shouted at her to tell me what had happened. "Yeon...Seon-Ho has become soulless. He kills people in the street who cross him at the slightest things, he drinks all day...and has been going to opium houses. He's become an addict" she informed me sadly.

I thought I was going to pass out. Why? Why was he being like this? I helped him achieve all his goals for what? "I don't understand...I let because I thought I was a burden on him. And I know...I know he likes you. I thought if I left you both both could finally be together" I whispered, my heart breaking with every word that came out of my mouth. "Me?? Yeon, Seon-Ho stopped chasing me about 2-3 years ago. He's gotten over his stupid little crush on me. Did you seriously have no idea that he's now in love with someone else when you lived with him?" I couldn't control the tears spilling from my face. I planted my eyes onto the floor and chuckled to myself, I had no idea he fell for someone else. "Really? Well, then I should leave and not get in their way" I was blinded by my tears as I tried to make my way out but she held me back looking frustrated. "Yeon! Are you being serious right now? You really don't know who that girl is? That he's been pining for since they left, the reason he's became an alcoholic drug addict and won't let other women touch him" "No I don't! Please stop telling me anymore, I hope they are happy together" I sobbed. Hui-Jee just rolled her eyes and almost pinned me against the wall "Yeon...its you."

I was getting angry with this little joke of hers...but the look on her face told me she was deadly serious. I almost dropped to my knees; how on earth was this possible? No...I didn't believe it. I couldn't. Seon-Ho...he kept his distance from me the the whole time I lived with him. How could he be in love with me? I was just a child to him...but...why would she say that otherwise?

I decided to go back and just sneak a peak to see what was going on. I quietly opened the door and saw him drunk out of his mind with al these women hanging onto his arm. I couldn't help but close my eyes and feel my heart tear deep into pieces. It looked like he barely acknowledged them but he wasn't exactly pushing them off him either. I turned around and I was about to leave until I heard him almost scream at one of the girls 'if she touched it one more time he would kill her'. I turned around confused, thinking he was talking about his sword...and almost got the shock of my life when I saw my embroidery attached to his sword.

I had no idea how to react; I thought he was in love with my brother's girlfriend all this time? I was so shocked the only thing I could do was run back to my horse and go back home before anyone knew I had left. But I was so stunned that I didn't even notice someone drunk coming up behind me and almost pushed me into the room. I fell forwards but I saved myself last minute by holding onto the door. They all looked up at me with surprise and contempt, but when Seon-Ho looked at was a feeling I couldn't describe. But he looked shocked, sad and desperate all at the same time, and in that moment I swear I wanted to go over to him and wrap him in my arms...until another ginseng I had noticed who looked oddly familiar came swaying in like she owned the place and came rushing to his side. But oddly enough he stopped her with a single terrible look as he continued to drink. "What are you doing Da-In? You have customers waiting on you in your room" Hui-Jee hissed at her quite angrily. Just what the hell was going on? Why was his old neighbour here? And why was he walking towards me with that look in his eyes?

Hui-Jee came rushing in and pushed him off of me. He just laughed and started drinking again. She took me by the arm and almost got out of there until she spoke again "Honey...look at this little baby chasing after you again. Are you not going to let her know her place?" I was so confused I didn't know how to act or what to say. I tried to run away but Seon-Ho bellowed at me to stay. I had never encountered this side to him before in all the years I had known him. But I could feel he was deadly serious. I tried to look at him again but he had turned around. "Don't say anything about her" he whispered angrily. I tried to come up with an excuse to leave but he wasn't having it. Dang Da-In was getting upset, she tired to embrace him but he just pushed her onto the floor so violently I couldn't help but scream a little. I tried to make my way to her but she just shoved me away "Stay away from me you bitch! Its all your fault he won't look at me, be with me or even stay near me! Do you know, even when he was a bastard he had potential to be the best he could be if you didn't get in the way! Since you left he's become a shadow of himself! You left! So let me have him!" She tried to lunge at me but Seon-Ho grabbed her and pushed her out of the room. He gave Hui-Jee a look and she made him promise her he wouldn't do anything to me if she left me alone with him. He just sneered "I don't need you to be concerned about us, I've had a much longer relationship with her than you have" before shutting the door on her face. But before he would I got the hell out of there as quickly as I could. The moment I ran I could hear him shouting my name and running after me, but I felt like I was gong to explode if I stayed a moment longer. I mounted my horse just in time and galloped as hard as I could despite watching him fall over to the ground drunk with Hui-Jee trying to pick him up but he just kept pushing her away and called out to me one last time. I felt so bad so heart broken...but I couldn't leave him there. I slowly made my way back to him, but before I could dismount my horse that Da-In girl ran out and propped him on herself, holding him so intimately as she did, despite Hui-Jee trying to pull her off of him. She just looked me anxiously whilst shaking her head and started calling for me but I was so hurt I just turned around and left before anyone noticed I had left.

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