Chapter 121: Seo Yeon/ Seon-Ho

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My mind wandered back to a while ago when I was following the men who tried to kill me at the inn. I was wonder slightly... I couldn't help but notice some people from the corner of my eye that I used to see in the market all the time...watching me. I carried on as normal, shopping and making my way back to my man's home before I noticed that they were following me. I had kept my brother and his friends updates about the mansion, apart from one detail...Hwi certainly inherited my father's weapons, but I had always kept his spare ones on me whenever I needed to defend myself. I could feel they were drawing out their weapons behind me but luckily before I could do anything I had both Jeong Beom and Moon-Bok behind me taking them out in seconds. I thanked them and told them about my suspicions before we agreed to take them to the hideout for questioning and wait for Chief Park who was going to stop by later on today. They had knocked these men out so hard that they only woke up hours later, but not before the men went out to trace their steps. They all came bumbling in together when they woke up only to have weapons pointed at their throats. But they all had their eyes on me, as wide as they could be. This only made Chief Park more angry and they had to be tortured before they could speak. "Why? Do you want to know what we did to your leader's daughter?"he laughed. I had never seen my brother look so angry before. He literally kicked the guys teeth in before killing him and then turning onto the other one who was scared for hie life and started talking before my brother could do anything to him "it wasn't us! We were told...we ha don choice but to obey or we would pay for our lives...our families lives" he mumbled, scared for his life. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" He bellowed so loudly that even I screamed. He started searching him until a tiny little bottle fell out of his pocket. Chief Park handed it to me. I opened it and I recognised the scent immediately. "Oraboni...this used to be all over my food before I lived with Seon-Ho?" I was starting to get a really bad feeling about this, even his face darkened when he recognised it as well. "What the hell is this?" "Its...its Magnolia Bark causes epilepsy. We had to put it in Seo Gom's daughter food because her testimony was the only thing that could save him. We had to...otherwise the mine men would have killed up and our families..."

The whole room turned deathly silent. I was frozen in shock for only a few seconds before I found myself in such a state of anger that I couldn't control myself and before I knew it I found myself lunging at him with my father's spare sword and I stabbed him...and I kept stabbing him until he was long dead. I surprised everyone into shock until Chief Park wrestled me off of him and just held me as I had a mental breakdown. All these years...all this time...I had basically been poisoned with my condition all of my life...just so my father could be framed?! Even Chief Park had a hard time controlling me until I exhausted myself and I fainted. The next thing I knew I woke up in my old bedroom that I used to share with him. I woke and up I crawled onto his lap like I used to with our father when we were kids when I knew we were alone and we both just sat in silence, realising what we had been through all these years with my epilepsy and how much trouble it caused all of us. I begged him not to keep anything from me when he investigated it until the point that I became hysterical again and gave him no choice but to swear to it that he wouldn't. But as usual he couldn't stay for long until Bang-Won found some use for him again so I had to return back to the damned palace and go on like nothing had happened at all....I had to conduct my own investigation with the help of a few friends I had made over the years with some good connections as soon as I returned. There was no way I could leave this up to my brother not after everything he had been through already, and especially since I was targeted. I just needed to wait for an opportunity to be sent to the palace after my rants against ever working there in defence for my father...and I made sure my brother never found out. He had been through so much already...and this was my problem I wanted to sort out myself...

And just on time we heard a lot of screaming and arguing from her husband's room. We all rushed out to see that he was shouting at Da-In and abusing her 'for tricking him' in bed when it was clearly me he wanted. Da-In was in complete shock and trying to explain that it was my fiancé she thought that she was with but nobody was believing her. She looked at me to confirm to everyone that she was telling the if she hadn't put me through enough when I came here already and she didn't try to seduce my man in front of me numerous times. I denied her so-called claims and I told him that she pushed me out of the way just like she had beed doing all night long so she could have him for herself in hopes that he would take her home. At this point the wife cam up and began bettering her on her own whilst I kept the daughters somewhere safe where they wouldn't have to witness what their parents were doing. In fact; I told them to fill up their pockets with everything they could get from her room at the same time he came looking for me. He sae me trying to protect his daughters which somehow made him angrier. He was half dressed as he started charging me with his sword, drunk as hell. I closed the door on the girls as I rushed to Da-In's side...and I grabbed my sword that I had hidden in my reach as I placed it through her hands while I slashed him to death as well as his brother who came out in a well as the kiseng who looked like she was beaten half to death. Da-In was still suffering in shock, but since she insisted so much on interfering in my personal matters then she should take responsibility for it as well. And that was when Seon-Ho came bursting in with a face on him I hand's seen for a long time, actually not since I had my lats epileptic fit. He didn't even care that Da-In had burst into tears and started clutching onto him, not even fathoming that she was practically naked. The wife came to collect her children and run home, but not before accusing Da-In of murdering her husband. I felt the adrenaline leave my body, as well at what little energy I had left as I ran to my room and locked myself in there.


By the time I arrived; she was practically locked up in her room again. For the duration she left her room I finally managed to rummage through everything in sight until I found a small diary that I knew she kept hidden from me. My eyes widened when I saw she had written down the reason why she had stayed here and was practically throwing herself at those old men; I felt my head spin momentarily and I had to quickly grab onto something for support. I couldn't believe she let me get away with doing such foolish tricks and games to get her to come back to me when she was dealing with this all along...she was poisoned with her epilepsy all along? For all of these years? And that was why she let me flirt with the kisengs...because she never talked about her fits. She must have been too embarrassed to tell me...and she must have been trying to pas me off to he kiseng just like how she was insecure about myself and Hui-Jee. I could have slapped myself a few times for being such a fool and playing right into her insecurities. I had just managed to get her over that topic and now...

She knew about these men when she went missing. And she stayed at this gibang because it was the closest one to them. And they only arrived now because they had come back home from visiting another province for business. And now she was with them...Yeon's room was at the furthest end of the gibang so it took me a while to get into the main rooms...just in time to see Yeon slash them using Da-In's hands before she ran past me and locked herself in her room.
Now that she was out of sight I could do my job. I called on the other men in my office who were waiting outside on my orders to collect the men and carry out their investigation into their legal activities while I arrested Da-In for their murder. I didn't even give her a chance to speak as I made my way to Yeon and I banged on her door as much as I could before I broke it down with my foot. My heart absolutely broke when I saw the scene in front of me; she was crawled up onto herself with her back turned to me whilst she kept banging her head against the wall in grief and tears. Yeon never let me se her in a weak state; but right now she looked like the little girl I had no choice but to neglect in my father's home for a couple of years. I made my way her slowly and placed my hands against the wall she was hitting herself against before I scooped her up in my arms and I let her cry to her hearts content. I wanted to hear her cry and have it embedded in my mind and heart so I knew what I shouldn't do to hear her cry like this ever again. I waited for her to stop for a while before telling her that I would take care of them and do my best to get her the justice she deserved and that she should go back to her brother in the meantime. I held onto her some more until I felt her fall asleep with tears still falling from her eyes whilst clutching handfuls of my clothes. I couldn't help but smirk; here she was trying to push me away whist clutching onto me as if she would fall without me as usual. She still hand't learnt her lesson yet. 

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