Chapter 181: Seon-Ho/ Seo Yeon

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It took me all of my restraint not to lock my 8 month pregnant wife in her room as she ran about our big home to tend to it all by herself; she cooked, she cleaned, she tended to me and the children all day long as well as making homemade things I could easily buy in an instant. I appreciated that we both came from different worlds but I didn't accumulate wealth to not use it. There were times when I had to hold onto her belly just in case she didn't accidentally knock herself about, she still acted as if she had 10 lives. Even the children were worried for their new sibling as they tried to help out as much as they could but she just had to do everything on her own and I was on edge enough as it was. In the end; I had no choice as pick her up in my arms and drag her to her wing and tuck her into bed herself. I tried to act stern with her but as usual, it didn't work with her as the look on my face had her in hysterics before she attacked my face with kisses. This pregnancy was most definitely different from the last one; it was obvious that sh was carrying twins so I took every precaution I was told to take and I even sacrificed our private time to tether although that was hell for me. She was sick a lot and had to be bedridden for a while but this time it was like she was in her teenage years all over again; youthful, vibrant and willing to make a lot more time for me in bed than she ever has willingly before.

Not that I was complaining; in fact she tired me out a lot more than before and I found myself taking naps with the children. We weren't strict on them, we never needed to be but my wife turned out to be my third naughty child who played with the children as much as possible, taught them all of her naughty tricks such as tree climbing and using a catapult of all things and soon my once well-behaved children were shooting off bits whenever they could. I told her off about this but she just kept laughing before rolling on top of me to ask me where I was taking her our next. I just rolled my eyes as she attempted to get on my good side as if I didn't just confine her to her room; she always thought she could get away with just about anything. I reckoned myself and her brother spoilt her too much as I teased her as much as I could before escaping when I had the chance and locking the door behind me. I smirked as almost the whole neighbourhood could hear her throw a mini tantrum before she tired herself out as usual. I had gotten enough work done for the day and my kids knew it as they barged into my study and threw themselves on me, complaining that they hadn't seen their cousins in a long time and that they food out coincidentally that they were nearby and wanted to see them.

I gave into their requests as I got them ready myself, I had to talk to their uncle anyways. I let them get ready as I went to my wife's room to check up on her. All I saw were pink and blue cotton everywhere and a small pile of baby clothes by her bed as she slept like a child herself. She always did that when she wasn't sleeping by my side, it was a completely different story then. I smiled at the love of my life who was a lioness to the children we had already, and I could only imagine what she would be like with this one now. I kissed her on her cheek before the twins barged in, took me by the hand each and practically dragged me outside with all the strength they could muster. They then started making their own plans for the next time they wanted to see their grandfather's village as if we didn't just return from there. The same went for my nephews apparently as the kids suddenly dragged myself and Hwi to their favourite restaurant before they all got together, leaving us to order their food. Chul was a little older than the twins and Geon was a little younger but even Hana had bonded with them a lot more. My girl had so much in common with her mother it was unbelievable; everyone she came across, Hana had them wrapped around her fingers. The twins were naturally protective over each other, Hana even more so; my girl had a mouth on her every time someone she knew was hurt. But even she had started asking me regularly when she was going to see her cousins again.
They talked, they laughed, they ate together and they laughed some more with myself and Hwi watching them, reminiscing the childhood we were barely able to get away with before we got down to business.


My children came back home and pounced on my before my brother and nephews could. They all wanted a sleepover, and as far as I knew my sister-in-law was out of town trying to gather materials for her girl's etiquette school. Before I could get a word in edgewise they all gathered around us, trying to emotionally blackmail us just as well as I taught them. They had us all in hysterics with the lengths they went through until my son who usually tried to run from me when I wanted to hold him finally gave in and let me fold him in my embrace for a while 5 minutes! Even Seon-Ho was surprised before he was amused. I convinced my brother to stay over as well as the children followed my husband wherever he went just like the village children. He sat down in my bed and had one hand arm around me and another on my belly as we spent some rare time together. He helped me to get the beds ready whilst my husband tried and failed to keep them out of the sugary snacks and before we knew it, we had a handful of hyperactive children on our hands who would run around the whole mansion for a day straight. There was nothing we could do at this point as we let them run around as the adults fell asleep together just like we used to in our childhood. 

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