Chapter 62: Seon-Ho

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It was hard to breathe everyday day that she was not in my sight; she probably didn't even know that I heard everything she said and I was the one who brought her back to be treated. I checked in with Hwi a few times but I had a bad feeling that he was hiding something from me by his demeanour and his bad mood. He actually seemed a little...out of sorts as he gave me vague answers. But I could tell instantly that this girl really had to be up to something big to make her brother look so out of it. He mumbled something about running some errands in town with Hui-Jee, so I made my way back to my office...or so he thought.when he was out of sight I went straight to the home he used to share with his sister and I rummaged through everything I could find. He probably wasn't expecting me to come around again so soon because I found letters from Yeon that he hid under his pillow. And I was not prepared fro what I had read at all

I somehow made my way back to my office, my face felt hot and my ears were still ringing. I made my way to my desk as general inspector and I tried to busy myself in paperwork I had to sort out. I...I knew that Yeon was probably the only girl in our village who loved to read....and I remember what she wrote in her letters and diaries...but for her to actually go to her father's village to deal with her father's land shares to his old enemies that could potentially turn the area into a war zone...I had no idea what she was thinking but I guess she needed a lot more time than I thought. What got to me especially was the fact that she asked her brother to hide her location from me. She was really running away from me...I didn't know she was in this much pain and confusion...

I do not know how I found the strength to get the piles of paperwork done that took up almost half of the office space in a week but I was really at the end of my rope. I could barely sleep or keep any food down at all. I really thought that she had abandoned me like everybody else, even though a part of me kept wanting to deny it. She forgave me, that was why she stayed by my side all those years right? She cared for me, she kept me company, she made sure I was fed and warm so why did she disappear without staying in touch with me? Or maybe...maybe it wasn't me she was running from? Maybe it was that bastard Bang-Won? If Yeon wanted to be with him then she would have instead of rejecting him the way she did, right? I was beyond tempted to go back to alcohol and the opium house, but I had duties to carry out from goals and opportunities I had already attained. There was no way I going to be under the influence of anything at all; it was hard and without Yeon it was harder than it needed to be but I was going to be sober from now on. And I had to remember everything that girl did for me to give me everything I needed and place me on the right path instead of self-destruction.

I went back to my accommodation a little earlier than usual since I had finished all of my work the next day I caught the maids discussing something quite heatedly with Chun-Ae who was still lingering around me. I hand't seen her this animated since her little fights with Yeon, so it piqued my curiosity; but before I could get any closer. the elderly maids she was arguing looked as pale as ghosts when they saw me. They tried to leave, but when I called for them, Chun-Ae did everything she could to distract me from them. I usually didn't have time for her antics and I tried to ignore her as much as I could but I couldn't help but notice they were hiding something from me with a very familiar smell. "What exactly is going on here?" I totally ignored Chun-Ae. The maids exchanged looks with each other but Chun-Ae did everything in her power not to make them respond. In the end I had to drag her to a different room whilst I confronted the maids "well...sir...we were given specific instructions not to tell you anything..." "from whom exactly? What is it that you are hiding from me?" "Sir...your servant had been taking credit for someone else's care towards you...we were told not to tell you anything...but we have seen with our own eyes how upset you have been for a while I think it is only right for us to tell you that..." "that what?" I was getting impatient now and it was showing. "Sir...we were actually scouted by a friend of ours who helped us out of a bad situation in the past. Actually...we worked alongside her in the past. She scouted us to be hired for you, and not only that; she has been providing us personally with your meals, your clothes and your medicinal herbs on a weekly basis for the past month or two. In fact; all we have done is clean your room and possessions."

I felt my heart rise and my palms sweat nervously. I actually almost collapsed on the spot until the 2 maids caught me and placed me in the kitchen. "And what else has this person asked you to do? Who is it?" I didn't dare to couldn't just couldn't... "she makes us write weekly reports on your present condition in almost every aspect. But...but your maid found out about everything apart from the reports almost from the beginning. She just found out now and she wanted to take them from us..." I had to take a couple of deep breaths to calm myself down "who is it? And how did she help you out? Tell me everything about that person immediately" 

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