Chapter 135: Seo Yeon

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It was the day of the Royal Banquet and I was kept so busy that I had hardly seen anyone anyone for an entire month let alone my fiancé which he was not happy about at all, I didn't even have time to step into his office to cater to him let alone...well I was busy. But I had a feeling that it was the point of keeping me busy as I suddenly had more than one man from all sorts of departments within the palace offer me their help, they were even flirting with me in public! At first I was dumfounded, especially as it would always happen in my fiancé's presence, but when I heard that my man and his bride were to go together it all made sense. Even Seon-Ho knew what was going on but he wasn't happy about it at all...I knew he had some insecurities and he was possessive before but I honestly had no idea how jealous he was at all. There was soon gossip around the palace that Seon-Ho had recklessly made enemies with half of the men that had flirted with me and had set up others with Hui-Jee's women, making them regret that they had ever looked my way which completely floored everyone. But it also exposed them to the fact that they were all set up by the Kang family so she now had a reputation of a jealous wife, something that was looked down upon in our society where married men could take in as many concubines as they wanted. I was beyond grateful that my man loved me so much that he couldn't look at another woman apart from our circle of friends let alone want relations with anyone else.

But he had started entertaining his little fan club that followed us around constantly just to get a rise out of me in retaliation when I didn't even do anything! But it worked, and before I knew it I was becoming just as possessive over him as he was of me. I had authority over servants so I would have some of these girls punished for getting too close to him which he absolutely loved. It had become a game between us until this banquet was over and we would finally marry.

I was surprised at the turnout; Bang-Gan wasn't a very popular prince but I had also began to understand him a little, he wanted to see for himself how many people were genuine and how many wanted to just show up for the free food and favours. But it wasn't any of my business, although the Prince didn't seem to mind. He wasn't anything like his brother or the King at all; he was his own person who minded his own business and had no ambition whatsoever. We had become...close in a way. I accompanied him most of the time when he actually was in the Palace and we talked a little about our common interests and I would even read books to him. But he surprised me when he told me he wasn't happy about my marriage; that he could have found better suitors for me. This took me totally aback when I sad he sounded. I looked at him and he looked equally as sad "once I heard talk of your marriage I went to him straight away and presented him with better options with a couple concubines thrown in. I even told him I would prepare a separate dowry. But would you believe it? He downright refused every advantageous offer presented to him all for you. I do not think I have ever witnessed such a love, and believe me you, my mother was very devoted to my father in every way possible...too bad he didn't cherish it. I believe...even my brother had made the same offer to him, but that...well it didn't end well with either him or your brother for that matter". I was completely stunned into silence not knowing what to say. I think my face said it all when he saw how I looked " really are the daughter of Seo-Geom. He was...different. And so are you; neither of you posses a greedy bone in your bodies and neither does your brother. You have faced a lot of challenges and obstacles that certainly no other woman could survive...but you still seem to remain pure and innocent. I would have certainly liked to have kept you for myself." There was nothing I could say; I indeed saw him as a...companion as he did me but I made it clear who I was going to be with when he tried to approach me before wishing him a happy birthday before making my way to the Royal Hall...only to see my man standing right outside the door with a stoic face on him. I knew he was going to make me pay for this later.

I tried to say something, annoyed with him that he hid it all from me but he just walked away without even looking at me and actually grabbed 'his date' by the arm to the hall! I couldn't believe how petty he was being! I was so angry that I had grabbed one of the random men who had flirted with me before without thinking and just sat him next to me as I had already finished everything I needed to. Seon-Ho looked furious whilst his bride was caught between looking smug and baffled by his actions as was I. But before she could get a word in he sat right next to me; I was so angry with him I didn't even notice that he had matched his outfit to mine.
He tortured me all night long; he copied my every action, my every word and even had the audacity to 'accidentally' spill his food onto my date's clothes! I couldn't restrain myself anymore and I tired to hit him but that jerk actually caught my arm and refused to let it go! Nam-Kyu was absolutely furious; as we had almost everyones attention and clearly she was not used to being ignored. In fact a lot of men actually came up to her but Seon-Ho didn't even turn his head around. I had a hard time eating and serving with one hand but I had to make do. When the meals were over he still didn't let go of my hand as he dragged me to the courtyard were the rest of the festivities would take place, leaving his other fiancé well behind. "Why the hell didn't you tell me about the prince's? I would have left the palace immediately if you had told me, what were you thinking?" He dragged me from the crowd to my room so no one could see us before tuning me around in his arms violently "didn't you think I already tired everything I could to get you out of here! But both of the princes have their eyes on you, and I do not have that much power to get you out of their sight on a whim!"

I just groaned and sat down to think about my options. I took one look at him and I already knew what was going to come out of his mouth before he said it "you cannot be serious. You know I never wanted to step foot in this place so don't you dare think of accusing me of anything. I do not want anything to do with anyone here at all. And you know I do not even want a powerful suitor, you know where I want to settle down" I pleaded with him, making him look at me. "Please I'm begging you to move the date of our wedding and get me the hell out of here. I miss my old jobs, my old friends and you know I have plans with my brother to develop my father's village I would much rather be anywhere apart from here. Please my love" my pleading finally convinced him and he promised me he would do all he could. We embraced each other for a while but I had to show my face sooner or later as I was the official host. We saw Nam-Kyu watching us come out of my room but we were already to wed in a week so there could be no damage done if word got out that we were alone together. We were a pretty affectionate couple but the only person we didn't dare cross was my brother...if he found out that I had been intimate with my partner way before marriage...I feared the consequences. And so did Seon-Ho, but we also knew that no one I our circle would believe anything that came out of her mouth or anyone associated to her so we at least had that.

We joined the rest of the crowd for the last-minute festivities; the dancers, the puppet shows and so on. At one point I was standing in between my date who I had caught up with and my man who was watching my every move whilst talking to some other officials about work related business. I slyly caught my date exchange knowing looks with Nam-Kyu but before I could bust him the prince had turned up right behind me. He took his place as we enjoyed the final dances...and he actually held onto my hand! I was so shocked I couldn't help but jump a little. In that moment Nam-Kyu ran to point it out to my man who had a dark look on his face. He then dispersed from the group and sat down next to me, holding my hand for everyone to see. All eyes were on us at this point, even my brother who had showed up last minute with Bang-Won. He saw me pleading with my eyes to rescue me and he did just that; ordering my fiancé to walk me back to my room before they retired to their offices for the rest of the night. 

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