Chapter 86: Seo Yeon

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I knew he would be on his way to see me soon, so I had Hwa-Wol and Moon-Bok do their job as quickly as they could, as even they were well aware of his awful temper which sometime took over his extremely sharp mind. I then rushed through healing procedures, counting down the minutes when I could see my man again.

My brother had already come to see me and he was not happy at all; it took me a lot to convince him to just let Seon-Ho do his job in peace. I let him take care of me like he used to, as it was the only way could get him to calm down. We always put on such strong faces for each other all the time but we were the only people we could really be vulnerable around. All the years that I was around Seon-Ho, even when I was in my worst state with my epileptic fits; he has never seen me cry. The same went to my brother; our emotional sides were only reserved for each other. Seon-Ho relied on me from every single aspect anyways; especially emotional since his wretched father never gave him room to develop his own emotions or hobbies, or anything else for himself. I could not afford to be weak in front of him no matter what.

Half a day had already gone by and I had just finished taking a bath where I could hear an argument ensue between my brother and Hui-Jee. My brother rarely raised his voce around me, even less so at me so I was at a complete loss on what could have set him off. I got dressed as quickly as I could so I got diffuse the situation before things got worse. Before I cld ask them anything we heard what sounded like a woman banging on the doors and calling for my brother, and a bunch of other things about how Hui-Jee was trying to tear the apart. That told me everything I needed to know. I told them both to let me handle it instead of arguing with each other even more. Hui-Jee had a face of thunder and my brother...well he looked like he was ready to strangle the woman. I told them both to hide behind the curtain in the main room...separately; it looked like Hui-Jee was to strangle my brother instead; Bang-Won usually kept my brother busy enough long term that he barely had time to recover and see Hui-Jee as well, although their bond never seems to fade. But I guess Hui-Jee's patience was wearing thin; she also rebelled against him just like I did when she learnt that he wouldn't leave the palace after I had uncovered the plot against him and Seon-Ho, so I guess that they were both still in a fragile state.

The woman was still creating a scene outside and even holding onto the pillar for dear life whilst the Kisengs were trying to pull her away. I could tell she was trying to create a scandal while she was sousing publicly about an imaginary relationship she had with him, which I could tell by her antics were far from the truth. Now all I needed to do was to prove it, and we couldn't keep her outside forever. I asked Hui-Jee for temporary authority and she have it to me reluctantly along wit her seal. I knew she was itching to beat the girl up and I promised she would have the chance. I changed my mind from letting them hide behind the curtain and instructed them to wait behind the door as I resolved this outside for the crowd to witness. "You cannot snatch my man and chase me out as well! You home wrecker! You..." she trailed off when she met my eyes which again told me enough. She recognised me, and I has only gotten that shocked reaction when people approached me from the palace. I did indeed have seal's from both princes which I could use for my protection but I had barely used it. I could tell she was examining my body, looking for it. But I kept my face stoic as I engaged with her.

The first thing she did was to address me as my brother' sister before trying forcibly to hand me a gift so I could give her ' a path to survival' in my family. Before the gift even touched my hands, I took it away from her grasp and it had shattered onto the floor. She then made a dramatic scene about not wanting to make a fuss about meeting me but I coldly countered that with her actions; when we tell her to come in she reused, but she didn't want to wait outs either and kept on crying. I remarked how interesting that was and it was already making her flustered before she had the chance to converse with me properly. She continued to made nonsensical statements about how the big gibang scared her as she wasn't used to entering 'such places' but I again countered that statement with the crowd she had created as well as the scandalous taunts she was making about my brother, without so much as identifying herself, easily confusing everyone that she could potentially be a kiseng herself.
She took a while to recover herself from that as the crowd suddenly went crazy with taunts and 'hushed opinions'. She then came up with a pretty weak excuse about being 'too excited' to reunite with my brother that she had no choice but to admit herself that she was indeed acting foolish. I then proceeded to ask her about her relationship with my brother. Sh told me a pretty feeble story about how my brother helped her out in one of his missions...before taking her in for the night, and a few more after that. Now she was claiming that she was pregnant with my brother's baby and she wanted him to claim responsibility.

From my brother's reaction I could already tell what was really going on; especially how she was going more after Hui-Jee than my brother himself, so I continued to question her. There were clues about her that lead me to believe that she wasn't from our village at all. So I questioned her about how exactly she knew about Hui-Jee and where to find her if she was from a different province. She muttered something about asking someone here where to find him and they told her that he would go to the gibang first thing in the mooring as his daily routine. I raised my eyebrows at this; I knew his routine better than anyone, which was still the same from when we lived together. I pointed this out and I couldn't take this farce anymore. I asked her wether she had seen the birthmark on my brother's back, since she apparently spent the night with him a few times. She seemed to fumble over herself before answering confidently that she hadn't seen any marks on him at all.

And with that answer I caught her out; he indeed had no birthmarks so she was clever enough to figure that out; but my brother indeed had scars all over his body from the Liadong war he was forced to participate in many years go. Even Seon-Ho had new scars over old ones from his job or new wars he would participate in. Furthermore; my brother had been writing to me, informing me about his intentions to marry Hui-Jee as soon as possible before he was sent of somewhere else again on the prince's orders. So I accused her of not only lying about something that had never taken place, I accused a women in front of a crowd of men that she must be a spy who was forcing herself on a well-known man and his fiancée. A label like that for a female was not well-received in our lifetime. She looked completely horrified and tried to lunge at the pillar she was holding onto before to injure or kill herself. As she tried to run, I stuck out my leg and pushed her into the crowd who was waiting to tear her apart before closing the doors on her. 

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