Chapter 8

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto.}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~Next Day~
~River Country~

The group of Konoha shinobi and the elder from Suna entered River country later that day. Led by Kakashi's summon Pakun and making good pace catching up to the Akatsuki.

"The scent is getting stronger, we are only a couple of hours away." Pakun said.

"Good we can't let them remove Shukaku from Gaara." Chiyo said a frown etching on her face showing her age.

"Umm...Chiyo-sama what would happen if a demon was removed from its host. Wouldn't it be good if we didn't have to deal with it?" This made Naruto flinch bringing back old memories of what people used to do to him.

"The host would die from its separation from the biju. Since Gaara had his biju sealed inside when he was in the womb he would die instantly it's basically like ripping the heart from your chest." Chiyo said shocking Sakura.

"That's awful, why would they do that to a child?" Sakura asked.

"Sakura, villages don't often care about the children. They only care about about their own strength and staying on top competing with other villages." Naruto said disgustingly.

The group continued in silence towards the destination with Naruto worrying about his friend.

"Brat be careful I sense a certain Uchiha's chakra." Warned Kurama.

'So just now wanting to wake up from your nap?' Naruto sarcastically asked the fox.

"Will you shut the hell up and watch out! I'm being serious here.." yelled Kurama to his dumbass of a host.

Soon enough they stopped and came face to face with...

"Itachi Uchiha," Kakashi breathed out.

"It's been awhile Kakashi-San, Naruto-kun." Said Itachi monotonously gaining a shiver of discomfort from Naruto.

"Don't call me that you weirdo." Naruto mumbled.

Kurama then took time to speak up.

"Naruto he is nothing but a clone but still be weary of him" said Kurama.

"Your not taking Naruto." Kakashi declared raising his headband to reveal his sharingan eye and getting into a defensive stance.

"Relax Kakashi-sensei he couldn't take me even if he was actually here." Naruto snarled.

"Uh, Naruto what do you mean. He's obviously standing right in front of us." Sakura said.

"Well no shit Sherlock, but I'm sure you can feel he isn't really Itachi isn't that right kakashi-sensei." Stated Naruto.

"Hm.. I was starting to wonder why he hadn't activated his sharingan yet."

"You certainly are full of surprises Naruto-kun, well I didn't come here to talk so shall we just begin." Itachi said not flinching one bit.

Kakashi took the first move by engaging Itachi in a battle of taijustu. Naruto watched impassively until he felt a presence behind him about to lunge at him.

Spinning around faster than anyone could see Naruto quickly kicked the hell out of a clone of Itachi making the clone disperse in crows.

Chiyo and Sakura were awestruck at Naruto's strength by ending the clone of Itachi in one hit even Itachi was surprised himself even though he was still fighting Kakashi.

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