Chapter 29

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~At Naruto's Inn~
~In the morning~

Temari woke up to the sound of heavy raindrops hitting against the rooftop of the inn his eyelids and immediately turned over. Snuggling into the strong arms circling her waist, she rubbed her head into Naruto's chest until she was comfortable once more.

She took a look at her hand, more specifically what was on her ring finger is what made her grin ear to ear like a goofball. Her sunshine had asked her to be his partner for as long as they lived and she wouldn't regret her answer for the world.

Looking up she saw the man looking like he was having a good dream as he was smiling in his sleep. He always looked so peaceful when he fell asleep.

Pushing back the strands of his hair she couldn't help but to peck his lips. She felt so much more connected to him than she had ever been. Their bond that they had together had suddenly gotten so much stronger.

Not that they didn't mind.

All this was short lived as she heard an alarm clock ring.

Naruto groaned, slowly getting his arm to shut off the clock.

"Damn clock..."

He looked down at Temari to see her awake,  "Morning sexy.." he told her winking. At least that's what he thought.

"Hello right back at you." She said. Temari went straight for a kiss on Naruto's lips as they sat up.

"Someone's in a peppy mood.." Naruto looked curiously at her as she kept peppering his face with kisses.

"Tch, don't think too much of it." She turned around getting out of the bed and grinned at him over her shoulder.

"Whatever you say.." he gave her a nice slap on the ass making her Yelp then look back at him only to find him beaming at her deviously. Come on, this was his future wife's ass he was smacking!! It was a right and a privilege!!!

Well technically his right and his privilege now.

'What a cheeky bastard..' As if she wasn't the one that made him this way.

"A gift to you from me.."

She huffed mumbling, "A kiss would've sufficed.."

"You'll get that too..among other things..." he pecked her nose. She's sure she will. She gazed at her hand never getting tired of what resided on it.

Naruto followed her gazed and smiled gently.

"Do you like it?" He knew Temari wasn't a materialistic girl but still he wanted that ring to be special to them but more to her.

Temari smiled and nodded. He continued, "You see the design on the inside? Those are seals. One of them is a tiny version of my Hiraishin marker. Just channel a bit your chakra in the ring and I'll be there. Also, I incorporated a blood seal as well. Whoever tries to remove that ring by surprise will have a nasty surprise waiting for him, including cutting off your finger."

"It's what I was working on the last time you were in Konoha." He pecked her lips. Huh, it makes more sense now.

She looked at the ring on her finger in wonder. "How did you write the seals on the inside?"

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