Chapter 41

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~In Konohagakure~
~Konohamaru Korps~

"You're interfering with my work!" Tsunade got up and smashed her desk into pieces channeling her anger into something that wasn't pest that had been bothering her ever since Naruto left.

"GET OUT!!" With that, Konohamaru had been thrown out of office like a bowling ball landing face first in the ground.

"Konohamaru!" Moegi yelped in concern.

"Are you okay?" Fearful something was wrong with his friend.

Konohamaru laid there clenching his teeth and fist. All he wanted to do was to be like his nii-Chan and fight in the war!! He defeated one of the Pein's which none of the Chunin, Hell, Jonin could only ever dream to do.

All day everyone he and his team had asked 'What they could do in the war!' had just been giving them the run around not giving direct answers.

'It's just not fair!!' Grunting in frustration, he swore he was gonna prove himself one way or another.


They had already been there for a couple of minutes not moving from the very spot he had been thrown out on.

Hearing the crunching of dirt they instantly realized someone was coming and that they needed to hide. Udon at this point had already ran to the bushes for cover while the stubborn Sarutobi refused to even get up making his female teammate groan.

"Konohamaru, come on! Someone's coming!" She whispered harshly, wanting to get out of there soon as possible.

"Moegi what's the poinn-!" He didn't even get to finish his sentence as he was dragged and choked by his scarf by Moegi getting in the bushes.

"Tsunade-sama has been expecting your presence." Kotetsu mentioned to the guest.

"Who is it?" Udon whispered to his female teammate.

"I've feel like we've seen her before..." Moegi sighed at her smart but still oblivious as ever companion.

"She's Temari no subaku, she's from Sunagakure and the right hand-woman and elder sister of the Kazekage, nii-chan also speaks very highly of her too." Konohamaru raised his head at this.

"Kazekage?" Wheels in his head began to churn as he thought of this. A gift from Kami-sama herself to prove to not only himself but everybody he has what it takes as a full fledged Konohagakure shinobi, and if his nii-chan of all people acknowledged her then she was most definitely worth his time.

"I have an idea guys!" Konohamaru gained a look that even kurama would be proud of.

This. Is. His. Redemption.

~With Temari~

"This way, Tsunade-sama has been expecting your presence." Kotetsu mentioned to Temari.

She nodded her head gratefully, " Thanks, you two." She headed inside the wooden building.

Construction in Konoha had come along nicely since her last time coming here. She was hoping to see Naruto one last time but as fate would have it, he'd already left to go to his safe location for the war.

She breathed in, 'Well, here I go...' She walked in seeing Tsunade already working on stacks of paperwork.

"Tsunade-sama, it's nice to see you again." She politely bowed making the older woman chuckle and playfully pout.

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