Chapter 45

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


*IMPORTANT! If you deem so* A/N: I probably should have told you all at first when I started writing the war arc, but I am NOT writing all of the details that happens in each division during the war. Well, at least the ones not the ones building up to the climax of 'You-know-who's' arrival (I am definitely writing about the fourth division though.) I'm not saying it's irrelevant to the buildup of the war but rather it's a pain in the ass to have to write all of it. So why not make everyone's lives easier (especially those who've watched the anime, read fan fictions leading to that point, and or read the manga.) and get to the point. Those who were looking forward to seeing all of the war arc sorry to say but the author is far to lazy at this point to give two flying fucks. But anyways! ENJOY!!

~Love yours truly, ShinobuVIxeN.

~Fourth Division~
~With Temari~

"They're coming," Temari hissed as the soft roar of the masses behind her grew silent. The whispering and idle chatter stopped, awed by the waves of adversaries against them. More quietly, she murmured to her brother.

"You ready, Gaara?"

"If ever there were a time I wished for Naruto at my side, this would be it." he said, his fists balled up tightly wanting to protect his brother in all but blood. She grunted in agreement with her brother but started fiddling with her engagement ring at the mention of her fiancé. It was a beginning habit of hers whenever she got anxious.

If they lived through this war, fuck a wedding and both councils, (Excuse her but she was running on pure adrenaline and not giving two fucks at the moment.) she just wanted to get married to that man without any interruptions.

Then he shouted, his voice rising to the squad leaders near the front of every single group. "Fight defensively! No heroics, no sacrifices!"

"Sir!!" they shouted back in salute.

To a few more seasoned jonin in range of his voice, he spoke softly. "If you see an opening, take it. Be mindful; recklessness is out of the question."

A round of affirmative answers reached his ears, all except the woman at his side. "You too, Temari. Don't do anything stupid."

She smirked at him. "That's my line. I'm supposed to be protecting you, remember?"

"I suppose, but are you sure you can handle this? You haven't quite been yourself as of late." He'd been noticing lately she'd been acting kinda weird and sickish having to just recently rush off to the bathroom he just recently discovered as he had followed her.

She chuckled dismissively not wanting to stay on the subject too long, "For the last time Gaara, I'm fine so you really shouldn't be worrying about me right now I'm not your only priority anymore."  She sounded like she was scolding him but her heart wasn't in the place for that. Not right now anyways.

Before they knew it, the fighting had begun, waves of people exchanging blows with one another.

~Turtle Island~
~With Naruto~

Naruto was on the ground panting heavily from pure exhaustion, the God Of Tides lying right next to him "Dammit..."

"You're still not quite there yet." Bee told him "It's like you're not even trying to focus on the task at hand."

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