Chapter 49

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~Before reanimation release~
~With Itachi~

It had been about two or three hours since that run in with both Naruto and the Hachibi jinchuriki. After that meeting he had another bittersweet reunion that he would have rather avoided all together, though he did still love his little brother with all his heart. Hah, Guess the old saying is true...

There really is no rest for even the dead...

As you can guess his little brother wouldn't stop following him to the cave of the man who caused him to come back to this accursed world, the reality he had hoped to leave behind in his passing.

He found the cave that Kabuto was hiding in and used his Susanoo to easily smash through the barrier that was protecting it.

Through the rubble stood Kabuto, the person responsible for all of the dead shinobi being brought back to life. Kabuto expressed how impressed he was that Itachi found him so easily.

Itachi explained that when he was under Kabuto's control he was able to pinpoint where Kabuto's chakra was coming from.

"It's one of the weaknesses of the Reanimation Jutsu. Though you won't need to remember that for next time." Itachi stoically stated.

"Regards for the advice. I didn't even worry about it because I didn't think any shinobi would be able to resist this jutsu. Additionally, there's something I want you to be aware of. Even if you succeed in killing me, this Reanimation Jutsu won't be able to be undone. The only one who can stop it is me. To put it another way, you cannot harm me. You won't be able to halt this jutsu even if I perish. I guess my good fortune is still going!" Kabuto yelled as he began to laugh aloud.

"Things don't always go the way we want.." Itachi said as he felt his brother behind him. Sasuke is as persistent as when they were young. Sasuke sensed Orochimaru's presence and immediately went into a stance ready to kill.

Kabuto reveled in his fortune for having Sasuke show up right now since he was the agreed upon compensation for Kabuto participating in the war. Itachi didn't know or care what he meant by that, he just wanted to end this Reanimation Jutsu quick and in a hurry.

"This jutsu is perfect. Itachi, I want you to comprehend that. I highly doubt Sasuke would just stand by and watch, even if you made a move. Rushing would ultimately make you fail, even if there was a method to defeat me." Kabuto grinned haughtily.

He then told Sasuke how he and Tobi were waging war with the other Shinobi nations. They were using the White Zetsu and the reanimated army to fight for them. The goal was to collect the nine and eight tails so that they could be used to cast a powerful genjutsu over the entire world. That way, they'd control everything and everyone.

Sasuke asked his brother why he was here if he was a reanimation created to fight in the way. Itachi responded by telling his brother that he broke Kabuto's control over him.

"To keep it simple, I hate taking orders from those who don't have my respect..." Itachi said to Kabuto.

The Snake Sannin reincarnate smirked at that, "That's not how I heard it. But for the purposes of this fight, we'll go along with that statement."

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