Chapter 44

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~Shinobi Headquarters~

While the army's began moving towards the giants graveyard the Raikage, along with Tsunade and Shikaku were sitting in HQ going over there plans when a messenger hawk entered the room.

Shikaku collected the message and immediately read it. "Madara's forces are moving! A message from Anko's squad confirms they are heading towards kaminari no Kuni. At this current speed, we will not be able to box them in and our forces will clash somewhere in between the Land of Hot Water and the Land of Sound." the Nara analyzed.

"Also, Kabuto is helping them out, so he will make sure that Oto is taken quickly. That will be a key location we need to evacuate the villages in that area and move to keep not only the people safe but to stop Madara from turning them into defensive outposts." Tsunade added.

"We should send messenger Hawks to all the villages and counties in the area between the two armies, tell them what is coming there way." Ay suggested.

"I agree, we should get to work, if there are civilians in the area it will only serve to help Madara, he wont care about civilian casualties, but as the five great nations we can't afford to be seen as heartless and ruthless." Onoki said.

"Shikaku was there any other information on the scroll?" Tsunade asked.

"Yes Hokage-sama, It seems Anko has elected to stay behind in hopes of getting closer to the Akatsuki base in an attempt to finish off either Kabuto, Madara or both. She ordered her team to run the moment the first Zetsu began to move. They are about six hours run away from intercepting the Ambush Division if I'm correct..."

"I see, now the Ambush squad. Which is the division that is supposed to be backing them up?" Ay asked.

"Kakashi's division three are the closest team, at an ETA of four hours after the Ambush division intercepts the first wave of enemy ninja." Shikaku answered.

"Then we need to get a message to them to inform them to stop and set up the Ambush before they meet the enemy. The will have a member of the Information squad with them that Inoichi will be able to contact them and tell give the divisions the latest intel." A said.

"I will go and pass the message on at once." Shikaku said before exiting the room.

"This is the last hours of calm before the storm, we have to expect anything from the likes of Madara." A said.

"Yes, he really is unpredictable. But that doesn't mean that we are at a disadvantage. We have several unpredictable cards we can play as well." Tsunade said with a smile.

"Bee and Naruto are certainly that. There will not be many partnerships than those two working together." A replied.

"We will need them if we are to win this war. The fact Madara has such numbers all in reserve tells me that he has been planning this for some long while. But he said himself that he is not strong enough to capture Naruto, he must have a plan to capture him and Bee." Onoki wisely pointed out.

"We also know that he cant seal the Kyuubi until last or at least until he has seven of the Bijuu, that is why the Akatsuki left him alone for as long as they did. So as long as the other two are safe, so is he." Ay said.

"I would prefer not to find out if that is true or not." Tsunade smiled though it was one of caution.

"As would I. We can't afford to let the Akatsuki get their hands on a single one of the remaining jinchuuriki. We have no idea what will happen to the strength of his army should they capture one of the two remaining jinchuuriki." A grunted.

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