Chapter 18

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~1 month later~
~Kage booth~

The month went by rather fast as the contestants had went home and trained harder with the promise of becoming a chunin.

Naruto, however, had his time split between Temari and training with a mission in between. All the rookies were there along with their Jonin sensei's wanting to watch who'll become a Chunin.

Currently, Tsunade had just shown Gaara along with Kankuro to Gaara's seat in the booth before she walked up to the podium and talked into the microphone placed for her there.

"Good Morning and welcome to the Chunin Exam Finals. We have a full day of genin fights ahead of us and one of them will most likely become Chunin!! The proctor of this exam will be Temari no subaku," Temari gave a wave of her hand down on the arena floor.

"Now as Hokage-sama just said, I am Temari no Subaku, and I'll be your third exam proctor. Now then, the third exam will consist of a group of one on one matches that will lead to your promotion of chunin!!"Applauses were hear around the arena as Temari announced the beginning of the chunin exams.

"First up is Moegi Kazamatsuri vs. Haru Takeda!!" She yelled.

Moegi made her way down onto the floor to loud applauding from the crowd who observed her confidence.

Moegi's opponent was a kunoichi from Takigakure, Naruto was interested to see what type of fighting style Moegi would choose, she had become far more confident since training with him and her taijutsu was now very good for a genin because her style suited her perfectly.

The Taki kunoichi was a bit taller than Moegi and probably a few years older, she had two kunai pouches one on either leg which suggested she was rather liberal with her Kunai and shuriken.

~Arena Floor~

Temari, who was looking at both parties looked like they were ready to begin.

"Ready, HAJIME!!!"

As soon as she yelled that she jumped back and the fight began.

Moegi darted forward swiftly dodging the projectile's thrown at her while the Taki Genin backed away.

The Taki genin looked to be struggling to keep Moegi at bay until she did something Moegi was not expecting, she charged. Catching Moegi by surprise she began pressing home her advantage and forcing Moegi to back away before she began throwing liberal amounts of shuriken and kunai again.

It was a sound strategy keep your opponent away with kunai in an attempt to hit them before using powerful taijutsu to push her back again when she got close, it was a game of cat and mouse and a very useful style for ninja that were low mobility.

Moegi still weaving in and out of another flurry of kunai decided she needed to do something quickly. Taking out a kunai she began swiping the oncoming waves away from her and looking for an opening.

Suddenly she saw the smallest of gaps and flung her kunai "Kunai Kagebushin no jutsu!" Moegi called out and the one kunai turned into many.

The Taki genin was shocked at this and began throwing more and more kunai as fast as she desperately tried to knock the shadow kunai out of the air.

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