Chapter 24

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~With Sasuke~
~Aftermath of battle~

Sasuke woke up and looked around to find himself in a dark room with only a small desk lamp producing light.

"Oh your awake, it's about time..." a calm voice came from in the shadow's

"Who's there! Show yourself!!" Sasuke demanded.

The man obliged and stepped forward to reveal himself as Tobi.

The second Tobi came into view however Sasuke's eye twitched and black flame's shot from it latching themselves onto Tobi's robes.

Tobi Screamed in agony and stumbled back into the shadow's. Seconds later however he returned with no signs of injury.

"Well I must say Itachi never fail's to impress me.." Tobi's childish persona was gone.

"What are you talking about?" Sasuke asked confused.

"Itachi implanted the Amaterasu in your eyes so that it would activate upon seeing my sharingan." Tobi stated plainly.

"What do you mean your sharingan? Why would Itachi do that?" Sasuke asked now throughly confused.

"Why That's simple, I'm an Uchiha to answer your fist question and secondly Itachi gave you that gift to protect you, my guess was it is what finally killed him. You see Itachi loved you more than anything, he was even willing to disobey order's to keep you safe.." Tobi was enjoying the looks of utter confusion on Sasuke's face.

"What do you mean he loved me!! He killed my whole family and tortured me for hours!!" Sasuke spat out.

"Ah yes, but did you ever wonder why he left you alive. Itachi was the most loyal shinobi that Konoha had ever produced, you see Itachi was ordered to wipe out you clan because they were planning a coup de tat of Konoha and all negotiation's were going nowhere. So in the end the village elder's and Danzo talked the Hokage into exterminating the clan and Itachi who had been a spy for the Hokage from within the Uchiha clan was chosen to wipe out them all." Tobi said.

"I take it your the one that helped, I have been thinking about it and it doesn't seem possible that he did it all by himself." Sasuke said.

"Of course I did, the Uchiha clan betrayed me and I wanted to see them die for there betrayal. I came to Itachi and offered to help, once he found out who I was and what I planed to do he agreed on the condition that I spare Konoha." Tobi said with a laugh.

"Who are you? Prove that your an Uchiha and I might believe you!" Sasuke demanded his arrogance returning.

Not very wise Uchiha Sasuke.

"Very well.." said Tobi and he went and removed his mask to show Sasuke his sharingan.

"Allow me to introduce myself.."

~One Week Later~
~Hokage's Office~

It had been a week since the Uchiha brothers retrieval team had come back from the failure of a mission.

Naruto had asked Kakashi to be dismissed early and didn't even come to see Tsunade first which took her by surprise. Hell, even after the mission he had still not come to see her which worried Tsunade.

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