Chapter 39

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


A/N: It's another filler but don't worry the next one I post won't be. This also happens in the second year of the training trip with Jiraiya, they are only visiting Sunagakure for a week at most.

~In Sunagakure~
~Training grounds~

"Why did you want to meet me here today Naruto?" Temari asked who was a tad bit confused but also curious as today he had just gotten here and they would usually relax in her room together.

He just grinned at her making Temari narrow her eyes in suspicion. "Don't worry about it, you probably figure it out later rather than sooner." Temari just sighed. Well at least she tried.

"Your only here for a few days so how am I supposed to even know if I got the move right?"

"You ask to many questions, my dear Suna hime, I'll give you what you need to figure it out." Temari sighed at the nickname Naruto had dubbed her, he did it just to make her annoyed or pissed off.

Naruto walked over to her and unsealed a balloon then filled it with water from a water canteen.

"A balloon?" Temari questioned as Naruto gave it to her.

"Pop the balloon." Naruto nodded.

"Okay..."Temari said and pulled out a kunai, but Naruto stopped her.

"Pop it with your chakra." Naruto said and Temari tried to channel her chakra in the balloon but was unsuccessful in her attempt.

"What come it didn't work?" Temari asked.

"There's a trick to popping it. You'll have to figure out the secret on your own. This is the easy part. The second step is harder." Naruto said

"What am I doing this for?" Temari asked sighing.

"A close range jutsu." Naruto said putting another ballon in her hand.

"Try it again." He demanded.

Begrudgingly, she did making little progress with it then popped it.

"There, I did it, it's popped. Are you happy now?" He grunted shaking his head in a disapproving manner.

"Nope. You sly vixen you used wind chakra to pop the balloon. As I've said you'll get it sooner or later." He grinned that same stupid grin that made her fall for him. Thought you couldn't tell whether she was blushing from frustration or embarrassment because he had called her vixen.

"Fine. It's just be glad you chose a good week to visit. I just wanted to relax with my lover with the time I've had. You've been off training with that perv so much that I've barely gotten any time to see you at all you. So let's get something to eat." Temari said and wrapped her arms around his neck instantly getting him hooked.

"Sure, but don't forget to practice this." Naruto said and picked her up bridal style making her cheeks redden considerably.

"You don't have to do all of this you know.." she grumbled huffing quite cutely into his chest.

"Nah, I think I'll keep doing it, after all you are my sand hime." She rolled her eyes at yet another nickname he had given her.

"You keep treating me like this there's no getting rid of me anytime soon." Temari admitted leaning her head against his chest.

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