Chapter 25

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~Four days later~
~Sunagakure village gates~

"Welcome to Suna! May we see your passports please and reason for visiting?"

Tsunade nodded and produced all their paperwork. She would have done her infamous finger flick to the forehead, but she had to be diplomatic nowadays.

Besides...Naruto might not like it if she harmed his lover's people.

"Gah! Tsu-hime we should have just used the gaki's Hiraishin so we wouldn't have to trek through the desert for Damn near a day and a half!!" Jiraya the mighty Sannin whined.


Tsunade had smacked the back of Jiraya's head for complaining so damn much then lecturing him.

After Jiraya had came back from a spy mission Tsunade had wanted him to be one of her guards to go to Suna.

Naruto could only stand there and snicker in amusement.

And Jiraya talks about him being whipped.

"Brat! Don't laugh!!! Help your beloved sensei!!"

"Nope, you got yourself into this and you can get yourself out.." Ahhhh, payback sure was refreshing.

Taking a look at his surroundings he sighed in familiarity and a bit of relief.

Although he had been to Suna multiple times now, he had always found him himself awestruck by it's architecture.

The sandstone pillars that encompassed the front gates screamed safety from the intense weather, but it also gave the city a bit of a regal feel.

After all their bickering came to a halt when they saw the Kazekage and his siblings walking towards them with friendly looks.

"Hello Hokage-dono, Jiraya-sama, Naruto...I hope your journey here wasn't much trouble." Gaara politely said watching as Tsunade took her Hokage hat off.

"Of course not, though with these two plus the heat tend to make things unbearable." Tsunade eyes twitched.

"Well we know you'll all must be tired so we'll go ahead and send you to our finest hotel named the Oasis Desert Dragon so you may rest." Temari said smiling at the sight of Naruto.

'Oi!! She was just cussing up a storm about how her shitty day was is such a drag.' Thought a sweat dropping Kankuro.

Meanwhile in Konoha, nearly all of those men belonging to the Nara clan sneezed.

As the group was walking towards their hotel making polite conversation the way Tsunade almost forgot to mention something she had been wondering ever since she knew about it.

"Hey, isn't the new mizukage supposed to be here?" Tsunade questioned.

"She should be arriving in a few hours from now. Since they live further away it would take them about a week at most to arrive here." Gaara said.

While they were talking the rest of the group was not oblivious to the two younger blondes who were walking close together engaged in their own conversations. Gah! Tsunade couldn't wait till the day she had those granbabies!!

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