Chapter 3

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto}



~Summons/Tailed beasts~


-Time skip-

The Konoha team plus Temari reported to the Kazekage's office early in the morning to get mission details. They found the enemy camp and Kakashi told them to wait and observe them to find out how many were held hostage.

"We're gonna have some fun tonight boys!!" Said one of the men excitedly carrying and unconscious woman over his shoulder.

"I can't wait to hear them scream when they realize I'm fucking the shit out of em." Said the other man.

Naruto growled slightly at this. He hated rape more than anything in the world and couldn't wait to slaughter those bastards.

"Kakashi stay back...I got this one."

Kakashi looked at him dumbfounded."Are your serious Naruto? You could get killed!" Kakashi whispered harshly to his student.

Naruto smirked as he then pulled out a mask. The mask it's self was beautiful. It was an porcelain white slick fox shaped mask with blue markings on it.

He put the mask on his face and smirked behind it. This will be fun he said menacingly behind the mask sending shivers down his teammates spines.

-3 minutes later-

Around a bond fire that the group of bandits created one of the men saw a man wearing a fox mask.

"Who the hell are you?" One of them yelled pointing at Naruto.

"He wears a leaf symbol, don't worry guys he's just trying to scare us." The man smirked.

"Kill him."

The small man army all threw their kunai and shuriken at Naruto which he doges with ease.

Kurama then took his chance to speak up "Remember what I taught you."

'Of course Kurama-sensei.'

Naruto got into the hummingbird taijustu stance and created blades of wind on each of his fingers. He threw them and it was enough to to talk about twenty of them out.

He then took out one of his teleportation kunai and threw it to a block of wood near the group when a man just scoffed.

"Nice try kid bu-" The bandit didn't even get to finish his sentence because his throat was slit. The same with the others. All the warning they got was a flash and the small army of one hundred men was quickly dealt dying with either wind justu or a slit throat with until there was one left.

"B-Back away d-demon I'll k-kill you." The man stuttered trying to get away only to be held by the throat curtesy of Naruto.

"Now that's not nice, I won't kill you but I will give you something to remember for the rest of your life."
The man paled instantly as Naruto's finger had a small red flame to it and carved a fox emblem on his head.

His teammates and suprisingly Anko almost gagged at this minus the three that already did.

The flesh healed instantly leaving behind a nasty scar.

"Now tell people it was the kaze kitsune who did this to you." Naruto let him go and the man ran off screaming.

Kakashi then rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Why did you let him go?"

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