Chapter 35

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~With Kakashi & Sakura~

"Sasuke-kun!" The pink-haired kunoichi stood in the edge of the broken bridge along with Kakashi.

They saw a bleeding redheaded girl with glasses but decided to deal with that later as the one they were looking for was right in front of them.

The dark-haired ninja, on the other hand, clenched his fist tightly and turned around coldly, saying. "Sakura and Kakashi..."

"Sasuke...look at how far you have fallen, you are nothing like the young boy I used to know." Kakashi said.

"You're right sensei, I am so much more now, my eyes are open to the atrocities committed against my family. You are no better, with that sharingan of yours, you have stolen your power from the Uchiha and you do not even care to thank them. A fool like you must pay!" Sasuke growled.

"So that's it, is it. You will attempt to destroy Konoha in some foolish attempt at revenge? I told you years ago to to forget revenge because it would consume you, and look at you now. You are nothing without it, once Konoha is gone you will find someone else to blame, you are a disease that needs to be eliminated!" Kakashi said monotonously but in the inside this was tearing him up.

"I am not the disease, it is Konoha that is diseased, there ignorance sickens me, it is like a poison that needs to be removed from this world!!" Sasuke spat.

"To have to do this, to be forced to kill one of my old pupils. Now I know how the Sandaime felt, it's time to end this Sasuke, I need to do what Hiruzen-sama failed to do and kill my prized student before you casue harm to anyone else..." Kakashi said lifting his Hetai-ite from over his sharingan.

"Hmph you can try, but you will not succeed, just because you have a sharingan does not make you as talented as an Uchiha. After all only an Uchiha can kill an Uchiha!!" Sasuke said mocking the Copy Ninja.

'Sasuke-kun..I promise I'll break you free from this path, so you can come back to Konoha and give you someone to love...' the pink-haired kunoichi was panting out of breath and felt nervous, but managed to stay calm.

"Why have you come before me this time Sakura? The dobe isn't here to protect you anymore.." Sasuke asked in annoyance but smirked at Naruto being gone.

"Sasuke-kun...please come back to Konoha! I'm abandoning the leaf village and coming with you!!" Sakura announced, then she jumped onto the side of the bridge.

"You wouldn't gain anything by following me. What are you plotting?" Sasuke interrogated.

"I'm not plotting anything! It's just... I've always regretted not going with you when you left the hidden leaf..." Sakura stated desperately.

"I'll do whatever you want me to do. I don't want to have anymore regrets..." Sakura explained.

"Sakura!!" Kakashi yelled. Was she out of her goddamned mind?!

"Do you know... what I want?" Sasuke asked slowly while he was narrowing his eyes towards her.

"It doesn't matter! I'll do whatever you say sasuke-kun," Sakura gestured her arms out to lend a hand.

"I want to destroy the leaf. That's what I want..." Sasuke declared menacingly, much to the pink-haired kunoichi's shock and disbelief. "Would you really betray the leaf for me?"

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