Chapter 21

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~Next morning~
~Secret compound~

"Oi!! Have you seen my pants anywhere?!" Said Naruto hopping down the hallway with a toothbrush in his mouth trying to find his sense of direction.

"Have you tried checking on top of drawer?! I'm in the shower Naruto!!" Yelled back Temari trying to hurry up and rinse down since 'somebody' thought it was a good idea to get a round in a few hours before a mission all because he couldn't help himself.

"Oh yeah.."he murmured trying not to say that too loud so Temari wouldn't hear him.

Strings of curses could be heard throughout the household that morning as the blonde couple were rushing to get to the village gates on time to meet up with their teammates.

"Naruto make sure to pack protein bars for the mission!"

"I already did it!" He yelled back grabbing the sealing scroll putting the supplies they needed into it.

Temari was currently struggling to get her kimono on at this point and it was quite frankly pissing her off.

That was when suddenly she felt Naruto's arms wrapped around her tying her red sash on for her.

"Arigato.." she turned around and gave him a chaste but passionate kiss on the lips.

"But the next time we have a mission together no more doing it a few hours before a mission otherwise your sleeping on the couch." Her eyes showed her steel hard resolve.

Naruto pouted and brought her closer to his body.

"If you weren't such a damn temptress we wouldn't really have this problem."

"I was asleep." She raised her eyebrow trying to see his point.

"Well I guess it comes naturally even when your sleeping.." he put his forehead against her and gave her butt a gently squeeze.

"Try to behave yourself when we're out there alright." She winked at him squeezing his butt back.

"Of course I will!! I thought you knew me better than that?" Temari rolled her eyes before lightly smiling.

He grinned before kissing her then disappearing in a yellow/red flash towards the east gates.

~A few seconds later~
~Village gates~

"I will honestly never get used to that.." Temari  leaned against the gates looking a bit pale as they waited for their Sakura and Ino to show up.

"It'll get better don't worry!" He said with a stupidly goofy grin that warmed her heart.

"Tch, instead of me you should be on the receiving side of that justu." She grumbled giving Naruto a mini glare. While he himself was laughing and holding her to make Temari feel better.

After a few minutes of waiting for the others finally Sakura and Ino showed up.

"Forehead, I'm telling you he was-Oh, Hello Naruto-kun!!" Ino instantly forgot about Sakura and walked up to Naruto and Temari with a flirty attitude. Hey, can you blame her? When you see a handsome man then his little package it'll make a woman do things...

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