Chapter 46

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~Second Division~

The battlefield of the Second Division was in complete and utter chaos.

Kiba watched as the other members of the Second Division began attacking each other left and right, and his mind began racing.

'Fuck  this is bad, I can't even tell who is who. I can't even sniff out the transformed fake ones from our own guys. How the hell are we supposed to stop them without killing our own men?' he looked back and saw Shino standing behind him.

"Oh hey you're finally back Shino, everything okay?"

Shino nodded and waved "Yes I am Kiba, you don't need to worry about me."

"Yeah well you'd better be careful, there's no way of telling where the enemy is going to come at us from next." he blitzed behind Shino once he saw him draw a kunai and slashed him down the middle with his claws, revealing Shino to be a White Zetsu clone in disguise.

"I had a feeling that you were one of them, looks like I was right to go with my gut on this."

~With Neji~

Neji had the same issue as he tried to scope out the area with his Byakugan, only to find little to no results 'This isn't any good, even with my Byakugan I can't tell the real ones from the fake ones even by looking at their chakra.'

That was when one of the others rounded on him in a paranoid rage "Don't tell me, are you one of the fakes too?!" he started attacking Neji in a rage.

"Wait no stop, I'm the real one!" Neji's pleas went unheard and he was forced to defend himself against his attacker.

~Kaminari no Kuni~
~Location unknown~

Two reincarnated shinobi were advancing towards the last known location where Naruto and Killer Bee had been spotted.

All three were members of Akatsuki...the leader and master of the Rinnegan Nagato and Uchiha Itachi. Itachi's Sharingan were activated as he helped the late Akatsuki leader along.

" you're Pain, I didn't expect that," Itachi said as they moved along. "Even during my years of Akatsuki I couldn't figure out who you exactly were."

"I kept my secret well. Only Jiraiya-sensei was able to figure it out," Nagato replied as they moved faster.

"Will you be able to fight as the way you are?" Itachi asked as he scanned the area.

"Yes, I can. You don't have to worry about it," Nagato replied.

"Indeed. With your Rinnegan, and my Sharingan, we could perhaps accomplish almost absolutely anything," Itachi observed.

Nagato then looked up and sensed three individuals. "Well I'll be...this will be nostalgic."

"Nagato? Itachi?" the voice of a young man asked as he landed.

"Naruto...I haven't been dead for long, but it looks like you've changed a lot," Nagato said with a smirk. "As expected from my kōhai."

"Naruto?" Itachi asked and looked at the said man. "You're...different now...I wish I could say I didn't expect that but knowing you, you tend to pull of the unexpected."

"Hm...that glow around your body..." Nagato started.

"I'm partners with him." Naruto said proudly pointing at his stomach. "I've been working on it."

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