Chapter 40

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~Konoha One Week Later~
~Unfinished Uzumaki household~

Naruto was had been busy placing various security and privacy seals around almost done but still in process Uzumaki-Namikaze clan housing.

He was also busy placing several Uzumaki Swirls around the building in area's he could remember them from the old clan house from Uzu and his parents old house which had two stories.

He was really hoping he'd be done with it by the time he went to leave for wherever Tsunade was going to send him for his 'protection' as she ever so gently put it with a smack to the back of the head cause he may have or may have not been pestering her.

But, that's besides the point! He would have to pay someone to finish the compound for him so the next time, he'll have a place for him and hopefully Temari in the near future.

There was a loud knock on the door and Naruto stopped working and went to see who it could be.

Opening the door Naruto came face to face with not only the remaining members of his graduating class, but also, Tsunade, Tazuna, Kakashi. And everyone else that helped out with the building, even a pregnant Kurenai came along.

"Hope you don't think we are going to let you get away without giving you a hand finishing this place up, so we thought we would invite ourselves over to make sure you didn't forget.." This little speech from Tsunade made Naruto gain a stunned look.

"Well I was planing on doing something, but I guess now is as good of a time as any." Naruto grinned before inviting them in.

"Well simply put, this is our thank you." Ino said grinning at her fellow blonde giving him a hug which he returned. Yet what he didn't know was the little blush that rolled up on the Yamanaka heiress's face.

"And a farewell party." Sakura added, followed my murmurs of agreement from the other guests.

"But I'm not even ready for a party, nor do have any food to eat to keep motivation." Naruto replied.

"What? Did you think I would force this party/ housewarming on you and not plan for something like that?" Tsunade asked planting her hand on his shoulder.

"Well then, where is it then Baa-chan?" Naruto asked skeptically.

"It's on the way, I have quite a wide selection of food being delivered, in fact the father and daughter of your favorite place are coming to supply all the ramen you want, along with a huge delivery from the best dango place in the village. That is if Anko doesn't get to them first..." Tsunade replied sweat dropping.

Sure enough, moments later there was another knock on the door and Teuchi and Ayame were there along with several delivery men with large boxes filled with dango.

"Hey old man, Ayame Nee-chan! Come on in!" Naruto offered the two ramen cooks before creating several clones to accept the boxes from the delivery men.

"Wow this is some place Naruto-kun. I was not expecting something like this.." Ayame said in awe of the blonds new home.

"Yeah, it is almost exactly the same design as the Uzumaki compound in Uzu. The grounds here are slightly bigger though for room to add whatever I want later on...especially when I have kids..." Naruto explained.

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