Chapter 32

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~Unknown location~
~With Madara~

A small section of a large tentacle fell onto the ground shocking Madara and Kisame.

"What the?" Kisame said in shock.

They had only just started sealing the Hachibi that morning, there was no way they could be finished with only two people performing the sealing.

"It seems, the Hachibi pulled a fast one on Sasuke." Madara said. His voice was calm but underneath the surface he was raging like a storm.

"Yeah looks like it, so what are we going to do now, you said you would kill them if they betrayed you, sounds like some fun to me, I'm sure Itachi wouldn't mind too much..." Kisame said licking his lips hungrily.

"I will deal with them, this may actually work out in my favor, it will give me more time to bend Sasuke to my will." Madara said.

"Oh well. I was hoping to have some fun. So what are we going to do about the Hachibi then?" Kisame said inquisitorially.

"I want you to deal with the Hachibi. Pein should be finished in Konoha by now, so we will have to hold the Kyuubi until the others have been sealed." Madara said.

It was at that moment when the ground next to them morphed and Zetsu rose from the ground.

"Madara-sama, we have a problem. Pein is dead, the Kyuubi jinchuuriki won but is now missing. Konoha has sent a search party to look for him but has not been successful so far." Both Zetsu said.

"I see.." Madara couldn't help some of the venom that leaked out of his voice.

Not only had they lost the Hachibi they couldn't find the Kyuubi. His plans were starting to seem to got to waste but he had to keep calm.

"He was able to take out all six of Pein's bodies single handedly. But that is not the amazing thing.." Zetsu said clearly still in shock.

"If that's not what is amazing about the brat's victory then what the hell else could there be?" Kisame spat.

"He somehow managed to get Nagato to betray us, he revived everyone who had died within the village during his attack. Even at the cost of his own life!" Zetsu declared.

Madara who had been silent up to this point decided to speak,

"This is quite the setback, I did not see the boy beating Pein, nor did I see him disappearing so suddenly.."

'But for him to betray me like that, how did he do it, I had Nagato twisted into the depths of his darker emotions, he was so easy to control. I can't believe he would turn on me so easily.' Madara fumed inside while remaining calm on the outside.

"It seems we can no longer fight this battle in the shadows, it's time to make preparations for the Fourth Great Ninja War!" Madara declared as he disappeared in a ripple of time and space.

~One day later~
~Hokage's Tent~

Danzo sat there looking at the two loyal root Anbu kneeling before him. Three Kumo shinobi had came in there before to announce that the foolish Raikage was having a kage summit and the Hachibi jinchuriki had been kidnapped, and how the Uchiha was the one to do the deed.

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