Chapter 31

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~One Week Later~
~With Naruto~

"OUCH!" Naruto rubbed the back of his head where he had been whacked at.

"Naruto-chan, were ya listening to me at all?" the great toad asked.

"Sorry, Gramps. What were you saying?" Naruto replied. He had already been here for one week and the training the old toad put him through was truly hell.

Especially when he kept getting whacked in the head that that damned stick.

"I was just sayin' that I've got some stuff Jiraiya-chan left for you. I wanted to let ya have it once you mastered senjutsu but we've got bigger problems, Naruto-chan. Once this is over, make sure ya come back so we can discuss his affects." Fukasaku said.

"If the stick clears out nature energy, then why do you only have the one stick?" Naruto shouted back.

"There are plenty of sticks, but there's only one of me!" Fukasaku shouted again.

"Then you need to learn the shadow clone jutsu!" Naruto retorted.

"That doesn't matter. Too many clones will lead to you overloading on nature chakra and turning into a statue!" Fukasaku yelled.

"Fuck!" Naruto shouted to no one in particular. He summoned four more clones and sat in the strange oil collecting in a pool at the edge of the mountain.

"We can't very well stop now. This was the last thing Jiraiya-ojisan wanted me to learn and I mean to learn it. Let's go, Toad Sage."

'I swear I'll make them all proud..'

~In Konoha~
~Outside of village~

It was a nice day in Konoha not a cloud in the sky, the villagers and most of the ninja were going about there lives without a care in the world.

Outside the village there was a large scouting shack and several teams that had been sent to keep an eye out for an attack.

"Did you find anything?" a jonnin asked as a small scouting group arrived back at the shack.

"No nothing. This is ridiculous, I don't know why Hokage-sama decided to double the amount of scouts, nothing ever happens here.." one of the two men that arrived back whined.

"I'm sure she has her reason's, come on let's go start on the report." the jonnin said.

They turned around to make there way back to the scouting outpost but upon turning around came face to face with Pein's Deva path.

The commanding officer went to say something but was cut off as he soon found a chakra rod impaling him in the stomach. The other members of the scout party jumped away.

Two members attacked from the sky grabbing onto Pein. And they motioned to another to run.

He received the message perfectly, he needed to go warn the hokage but before he got to the end of the small clearing they were in his comrades were blown away from Pein and he was slowly lifted off the ground.

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