Chapter 52

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~Last time~

But before it could hit Guy, Naruto appeared and kicked the orb straight back to Madara, crashing a few inches away from his face.

Naruto pressed a hand to Guy's chest, where a white circle appeared. His heartrate steading and his chakra point starting to stabilize itself.

"Naruto...hmm... there's something different than before about you." Madara looked critically at him trying to find out the change.

"Though it's the fact how your still alive that's really getting to me..."

"Honestly, I'm getting used to this myself, otherwise I feel refreshed!" He flexed his arms getting a feel of his new power sending a devilish grin to the Uchiha.

~With Naruto~

The first thing he heard was the dripping of water, it wasn't an all to unfamiliar thing but still unsettling since the last thing he remembered was getting Kurama extracted from him.

He felt calm and at peace, a feeling he hadn't felt in a while. His every worry, the Akatsuki, Madara, Obito, was just a bad dream that never existed.

This feeling did not feel right.

'So this is it, huh...'

Lifting himself up out the water there was only one question that was really on his mind.

"Am I....dead...?"

One thing he certainly didn't expect was to get an answer back.

"Well that's silly of you to ask, Of course not..." A sweet melodic voice caught his attention, a familiar one at that.

Perking his ears up he turned around at a breakneck speed to see the last person he'd ever expect to see so soon.


Smiling the red headed woman shook her head with outreached arms that her son immediately crashed into almost sending her stumbling back but caught her baby boy hugging him back with the same intensity.

All she was able to utter was her 'her baby boy' over and over again.

"I've missed you so much mom...I have so much to tell you!" He burrier his head into her neck.

Kushina laughed softly, "I miss you too, you and your father, Kami, my reckless boy your not even supposed to be here ya'know." She peppered kisses all over his face still holding him never wanting to let him go.

"Mom! Gah! Mom, I'm seventeen now!!" He laughed childishly. Damn, this was a good feeling.

But of course being deprived of this type of love from a mother for seventeen years will do that to you.

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