Chapter 33

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~One week ago~

The first thing he heard was the roaring tides of an ocean or more specifically a whirlpool.

" whole damn body wha-sand?" He went to rub his hand and felt sand trickle down on his face.

"How long have I been out?" He wondered to himself not really expecting an answer back.

"Who knows, time in Uzushiogakure is different from everywhere else. Time is weird inside of Uzu then out there." Kurama explained and Naruto gasped in amazement.

Once his vision cleared he made out that he was on a beach. A very beautiful beach at that.

"Whoa.." Unfortunately he was just looking out where the beach was. Not where the actual destruction took place. He finally got up and took a walk just wandering not knowing where to exactly to go.

Once he got to the top of the steep hill he was on, he saw countless of broken buildings and stone structures ruined, nothing left behind in one piece.

The wind howled as it blew past the remains, as if crying for the lives lost in the destruction. There wasn't anything salvageable left in the village, no doubt raided after the initial attack or taken by fleeing survivors.

The village was split in the center by a wide river, surrounded by broken pillars with spirals designs similar to the Konoha emblem, with several stones piercing the flowing water.

The current met the rocks, and formed small whirlpools.

"You have arrived, kit." the Kurama said in a low voice.

'Now you awaken..' Naruto rolled his eyes sarcastically at his partner.

Kurama scoffed but continued,"I'd imagine this would be a cruel sight for your surviving clan members, who are scattered throughout the world.."

Following a wall he came to a grand entrance to a village that whilst smaller than Konoha looked infinitely older.

The place may have been burned to the ground but it still seemed to be holding together quite well. Naruto after inspecting one of the building's soon discovered why.

"Stability and anti-wearing seals. And the penmanship of them is amazing for them to last this long.." Naruto said aloud to himself as he continued exploring the dead village.

The more Naruto looked the more seal's he found that seemed to be used for everyday use.

They didn't have wells instead they had seals that pulled water from the earth and came out of there taps without plumbing.

There lighting was all worked by chakra and seal's so when Naruto went into a building that was still amazingly still standing all he had to do was put some chakra into a seal and the light's would come on.

"They were so advanced yet basic at the same time, they did everything with seals. My ancestors really were something..." Naruto said in awe as he looked around to a basic kitchen that had been destroyed obviously when the village was burned down.

Naruto moved on from the houses that were still standing and made his way towards the town center.

When he arrived there he was given a shock there was a large fountain with nine large animals placed around the sides while in the center there was a man sitting in the center holding a large staff with rings at the top and pointy hair that almost looked like horn's.

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