Chapter 16

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{DISCLAIMER: I Do Not Own Naruto!}



~Summons/Tailed Beasts~


~Two weeks later~
~Hokage office~

Tsunade was sitting at her desk happy in the knowledge she had just finished her paperwork for the day, she was soon interupted by Shizune. The dark haired medic and assistant came running in with a small stack of papers.

'Why does the paperwork never end??' Tsunade thought as she had to suppress the urge to use one of her few fire jutsu to burn the paper's in her assistant's arm.

She was also currently waiting on her grandson so he could assign him an escort mission.

'Someone who can finally knock some since into him besides me.'

With a smile on her face she put her sake bottle away and started daydreaming about blond haired whiskered great grand babies with either teal or azure eyes or a combination of both playing in her backyard while both of their parents were working.

'Now there's a dream.'

She was so lost in her deep happy thoughts she didn't notice the very person she has summoned standing right in front of her.

"Hellooooooo?" Naruto kept waving his hand in front of Tsunade's face trying to catch her attention.

"Huh? What do you want gaki?" She asked snapping out of her trance she soon hopes will happen.

"You asked me to be here. Is old age finally getting to you baa-Chan?" He slyly asked.

A tick mark appeared on Tsunade's head and threw a paper weight at him which he swiftly dodged.

"Do you want to be on Tora duty for the next two months or do you want this mission that requires your specialty." She asked hoping he would say something stupid so the person outside could teach him some manners.

Gulping Naruto nervously waved in hands around in submission.

"I was just kidding!! No need for that!" Sucking up to her.

"That's what I thought.."she mumbled befor clearing her throat.

"Anyways, as I was about to say I have an escort mission for you. A diplomat from Suna is here as a proctor for the chunin exams." She paused before she looked at the door.

"You can come in now!!" Right on cue, a familiar sandy blonde who was done suppressing her chakra walked in.

"Thank you Hokage-sama, I appreciate you making time out for Naruto to come and escort me." She politely said.

"No need for formalities right now Temari-Chan, just call me Tsunade." She smiled.

'Soon we'll be family anyways and it won't matter.' She said that last bit in her head not wanting to jinx it.

Naruto just looked at Temari and confused her a bit when he looked back ahead with a full on smirk.

'Just like Dan used to look at me, and that baka pervert.'

"Alright Tsunade." She smiled

"Anyways you are to be the escort of Temari no subaku while she is in Konoha for the exams. Do you accept this mission?" Tsunade asked with a slight slyness in her voice.

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