Chapter 22

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~Orochimaru's base~

Kabuto was returning to Orochimaru's room with some medicine when the door opened in front of him.

"Sasuke-kun? Is that you or Orochimaru-sama." Kabuto asked tentatively.

After what seemed like forever he finally answered.

"Who do you think?" said Sasuke turning on his sharingan before leaving the stunned medic still holding the medicine tray.

Once the silver haired ninja came to his senses he entered the room to see what happened for himself.

Inside the room there was a lifeless husk of a snake which usually would mean that Orochimaru had changed bodies however as he had just seen Sasuke was very much still his same old arrogant self. Which meant only one thing.

Orochimaru was dead.

~A day and a half later~
~Konohagakure's village gates~

"FINALLY!!! Home sweet home." Ino rejoiced as the rest of the team reached the village gates seeing the eternal gate guards.

"For once, I agree with you Ino-pig." Sakura said stretching her back with the other two agreeing wholeheartedly with the rest of their team.

"Welcome back guys." Izumo tiredly greeted waving his his while the four just nodded at him.

"Hey Izumo, Kotetsu, leavin here anytime soon?" Naruto asked referring to the duo's position who then looked crestfallen.

"Nope, we've got 12 more hours to go.." Kotetsu sighed.

"Welp good luck you two." Said Naruto as he and his team walked away, but before they could get any further two Anbu's had appeared in front of their group.

"Shit...what's wrong now?"

"Namikaze-sama, Hokage-sama requires you, Temari-San, and Sakura-San at her office immediately she said it was urgent." the Bull Anbu said.

"Alright we'll be there and don't call me sama it's really embarrassing dattebayo.."mumbled at the end letting his verbal tick slip.

"Thank you for your time Naruto-sama." Said the Anbu leaving the scene in a shunshin and leaving an aggravated eye twitching Naruto behind.

"Damn Anbu Bastard..not listening.." Naruto mumbled getting the girls around him to sigh.

"Alright tiger save that aggression for another time. Right now let's see what Hokage-sama wants." Temari explained as she rubbed his back sympathetically trying not to snicker.

With a heavy heart Naruto with a depressed tone dissmised Ino to go home while the rest of the team went to the Hokage's tower.

~10 minutes later~
~Hokage's tower~

Naruto jumped through the window into Tsunade's office to find Jiraiya, Kakashi, Temari and Sakura waiting for him.

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