Chapter 20

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~A few days later~
~Konoha's village gates~

Naruto and Jiraiya returned to Konoha after the capture of Guren and Destruction of Orochimaru's hide out. They immediately took Guren to the T&I department putting her in one of the holding cells until one of the investigators came and got her for questioning.

"Naruto you can head home I will give the report to Tsunade, besides I heard from a little birdie someone missed you dearly..." Jiraiya said with a small grin spreading across his face doing a kissy face.

"Yeah, yeah I'm sure Obaachan missed you too." Naruto teased thinking about the time he walked in on Jiraya and Tsunade.

If Jiraya had been a lesser man he would of blushed madly on the spot at what Naruto said. Luckily he just settled with coughing and shifted uncomfortably.

"B-brat not so loud..." He mumbled

"Hehehe...well see ya sensei, say hi to Baa-chan for me." Naruto said walking off, Naruto headed home while Jiraiya went to see Tsunade.

~15 minutes later~
~Hokage's Office~

Tsunade was sitting at her desk when Jiraiya came in through the window.

"Jiraiya thank kami, this paperwork was driving me up the wall!!" Tsunade said a bit seductively when the old toad sage entered.

"Hey Hime, I have news.." Jiraiya said seriously trying to hold back his pervy conscience.

"You do what is it? If something happened to Naruto your a dead man..." Tsunade threatened quickly losing her attitude from before.

"No it had nothing to do with Naruto; It's Orochimaru, when looking for my contact we found a well hidden cave. This cave was a hideout for Orochimaru, inside I found these..." Jiraiya said throwing the scrolls onto the table.

"What are they?" Tsunade asked picking up the first sealing scroll and unsealing several test tubes.

"There his experiments, from what I can see he is trying to find a way to combine all the sub elements, there were cells from a Shoton user who we had the great displeasure of meeting. As well as Hyoton, Futton, Jiton, and he even seems to be getting fresh Mokuton cells from somwhere..." Jiraiya said disgusted with his old teammates action.

"What how is that possible my grandfather's tomb has been completely sealed ever since sensei caught Orochimaru all those years ago." Tsunade said shaking with rage.

"I don't know, I think he is trying to combine them all into one person, and make that his body after sasuke..." Jiraiya theorized.

"That means he would have to capture some rather high profile people, I know that the Raikage first choice guard after Killer Bee is the only Storm release user I know of, and there are very few who have Lava release, most of them are in Iwa." Tsunade said.

"Yes, so it would not surprise me if he attempted to kidnap them and use them. " Jiraiya concluded.

"Hey, you said you fought the Shoton user, what happened did they escape?" Tsunade asked.

"No, we captured her, once Naruto played with her a bit she kind of collapsed. After that she didn't put up much of a fight, and she is at T&I right now having a friendly chat with Ibiki and Anko." Jiraiya said with a hidden shudder at the mention the the kunoichi's name.

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