Chapter 17

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~Two days later~
~Naruto's Bedroom~

Naruto awoke first, on his chest Temari laid. She had wrapped her leg around his in her sleep and she was so intent on keeping him where he was she had her arm flung around his neck holding him in position, this was a normal occurrence and happened almost every time they slept in a bed together. Temari clings onto the warmest thing she can find when she sleeps and that is almost always Naruto.

"Well, good morning to you, too." a smile crept on his face when he saw her eyes flutter open and let out a cute yawn.

"Hn." she moaned before closing her grip on Naruto even more and letting out a contented groan. She gave Naruto a small kiss on his tattoo.

"You know, we should be getting up right now right" Naruto asked.

"Yes." was her simple reply as she continued to snuggle into him.

"Have I ever told you your so damn sexy when you cuddle me to death." Naruto said sarcastically stroking her hair.

"Of course I know this, that's how I keep you coming back." She said in her usual cocky demeanor as she planted several more kisses on his chest not wanting to leave his warmth.

"I would have come back anyways." He grinned kissing the top of her head.

"You know if you keep going you are going to be on top of me" Naruto joked squeezing her butt.

"Hm, that's not a bad idea, we still got some time" she said sliding her leg over his waist and moving over until she was laying on top of the spiky haired blond grinning misheviously.

After that they had started making out again  enjoying each others company all the more, there was a sudden perverse giggling.

Temari widened her eyes a bit before they went back to normal. She swore that if she ever caught Naruto's perverted sensei peeking on them again she'd beat the shit out of him.

Naruto must have heard it too because he stopped for a second before kissing her again.

Temari then backed out of the kissed with her hair covering her face making Naruto scared shitless.

"Oh, Naru-kun...remember that promise I made back to you in Suna about two years ago?" She asked in a sickening sweet voice dripping like honey cause she never called him Naru-kun unless she was pissed or trying to be a tease.

Temari slowly reached under Naruto's pillow where he kept a kunai for paranoia reasons.

"You kinda have to remind me..." Ah, shit now his dick feels scared now. And he was really liking where their little game was leading to until Jiraya had to ruin it.

'Damn you Erosenin!!!' He cursed the sage in his mind.

Temari then channeled wind natured chakra into it. She was quick to aim and threw it where the toad sage was standing right by his family jewels.

The justu hiding Jiraya immediately faded and had him sweating bullets trying to come up with an excuse on why he was there.

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