Chapter 19

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~Naruto's bedroom~
~5:00 am~

Naruto was currently on his way to the village gates to meet up with Jiraya. After finishing dressing he went to go tell Temari goodbye.

Temari who was deadbeat tired was cuddling a pillow as his substitution with her head deep under the covers.

He walked over to her and gently gave her a kiss on the forehead, chuckling when he heard her lightly snore.

"I'm leaving Tema,"

Slowly opening her eyes Temari saw Naruto dressed in his Jonin outfit ready to go.

"Mmmh...good you...come back." She tiredly mumbled pulling his face down for a sloppy kiss only for her to go to sleep afterwards snuggling her face to into the sheets.

"Love you too.." He stroked her face.

Naruto gave her one last kiss before he headed out the house and towards the village gates.

~30 minutes later~
~Village gates~

Tsunade and Jiraya were waiting for him at the gates with big smiles that sort of creeped him out.

'Not this shit again..' He kept it together and at least managed a neutral smile.

"Oi, you ready brat!!" Jiraya in an upbeat attitude said.

"Ummm...yeah, I'm packed and loaded.." he said popping his bones getting lose.

"Let me make one thing straight with you Jiraya, no dragging him off to strip clubs or seedy whore houses you hear me! He and that girl have great grandchildren to give me!!" Tsunade ordered but said that last bit a bit more quieter but was still heard.

"Yes ma'am." Jiraiya moped.

"Wait, what?!" Naruto what stuck in a deer like headlights from what Tsunade just said.

Tsunade quickly realized what she said right after it went out of her mouth. After a quiet 'oops' She quickly the subject letting Jiraya what they can and cannot do.

To Naruto their conversation seemed like those had by old married couples squabbling over the right way to raise there child of course he always knew something was going on between them by the way they were in the office the other day.

Naruto felt that to him that is exactly what they were Jiraiya was his fun loving laid back father, while Tsunade was the strict but caring mother and watching them squabble over where Jiraiya took him brought a smile to his face.

After a long discussion and several rather revealing diagrams of where Jiraiya can and can not take Naruto the two spiked haired duo left with a wave of their hands.

"What are you smiling about Jiraya-ojisan?Baa-chan basically just told you you cant go to any of your favorite places while we were away." Naruto asked seeing the smile on Jiraiya's face.

"Why not be happy, Tsu-hime only said I couldn't take you to any of those places not that I couldn't go to them, and its not my fault if you have to come in to get me at any point." Jiraiya laughed.

Naruto just shook his head at this.

'Trust Jiraiya-ojisan to figure out a way around Baa-chan's rules' Naruto thought as the pair left the gates.

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