Chapter 15

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto.}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~Nara compound~
~Earlier that night~

"Let it all out."

The four words were enough to make him stumble back in shock, but his father's expression didn't change. "Let out all the sadness, fear and anger that's building up inside of you."

His voice carried the weight of years of wisdom gained through pain. "That's the first step."

With that, he left Shikamaru to his thoughts. A small part of him wished that he hadn't, because his thoughts were in a turmoil so thick it seemed impossible to get out of. He was forced to confront them, and see the weight of his failure.

Asuma died because I was weak. If I was just a little stronger, a little more faster.....I could have saved him.

There were pieces of shogi littered all around the room. For the first time in his life, Shikamaru felt angry at the game he so liked to play. No, he felt outraged.

Most of the day, Shikamaru would just spend lazing around, or sitting and playing shogi with Asuma.

He felt regret, and it was crushing. If he had just put a little more effort into his training....

He didn't know how many hours he spent crying, but when the tears had dried up, his brain kicked itself into gear.

He picked up the scattered pieces, and set to work.

~Present time~
~Near Nara forest~

Now they are in a forest, crouched down in a huddle. Kakashi then said, "Shikamaru, let's hear your plan first."

Shikamaru replied, "Sure, I just have to change the plan a little to account for you, Kakashi-sensei."

"Right, whenever you're ready," Kakashi prepared to listen as did Chouji and Ino.

Shikamaru then explained, "I'll break it down into several different scenarios and explain each one. Things will vary depending on what happens, so I need you to remember them all."

Then he explained the steps that his plan had consisted of in detail and he gave each one a role to play.

Then he pulled out a small capsule and then he handed it to Kakashi, saying, "Kakashi-sensei, take this; use it when you see an opening."

Kakahi gripped the capsule in his hand, "Got it. I've gotta hand it to you, Shikamaru. You've learned a great deal about the enemy for having only encountered them once."

Shikamaru countered, "There's still a lot we don't know about the other one, unfortunately."

But Kakashi thought otherwise, "To be able to come up with a new strategy so quickly after I joined the squad...Very impressive."

Shikamaru then added, "Those are all the strategies I have based on the information I've gathered. Once you've memorized our simulations, replay each one in your head at least three times. Our probability of success depends on whether or not you commit them to memory."

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