Chapter 30

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~In The Afternoon~
~Senju compound~

It took twenty minutes for Naruto to stop sobbing that night. Afterwards, he fell asleep in the last living Sannin's arms.

Deciding she didn't want him to be alone tonight, she carried his sleeping (surprisingly heavy form to her) form to her house. Once inside, she placed him in a guest room so he could sleep knowing that this time, someone was there.

The Godaime barely got any sleep that night. Not only because of her thoughts about the times she shared with her old teammate/ lover, but because she realized how much pain Naruto was in as she watched over him.

When morning came around, she immediately went to Hokage tower to have Shikamaru decipher the code and for Ibiki and the others to start working on one of Pein's bodies Jiraiya acquired in his fight.

Once that was accomplished, she quickly went back home to check on Naruto. He still hadn't woken up from his slumber yet which she didn't blame him one bit.

He should be tired after all the emotional shit he's been through. Hell she was tired and wish she could be in his place right now.

She sat on his bed reaching out and rubbed his whisker marks causing him to purr and smile in his sleep.

Damn he was really cute when he was asleep.

Hearing groaning she looked down to see Naruto was starting to wake up.

"Hey, baachan...where am I?" He asked drowsily rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Your in the Senju compound. I brought you here after last night. Didn't want you to be alone."

"Are you alright now?" She rubbed his hand.

He sighed sadly, "I won't be the same but I'll settle with it." He chuckled hoarsely.

"Come on. I made lunch in the kitchen. I brought some clean clothes from your house over there." She said as she got up and left the room.

Getting out of the bed, he grabbed his clothes, which Tsunade cleaned this morning, and put them on, heading to the kitchen five minutes later.

The older blonde sat at the table with a nice amount of food and surprisingly some tea next to her. Telling him to take a seat, he complied. After not eating last night, Naruto wolfed down the food quietly, making the grown woman smile.

"How's the food?" She asked.

"It's amazing. Thank you for the meal baa-chan." Naruto replied with a small smile.

"Don't mention it. All the times my brother and Shizune told me my cooking was bad has given me a lot of practice." The female sannin half joked, making her fellow blond let out a small chuckle.

Once she cleaned the table, she sat back down and looked at him seriously.

"Naruto, I thought about what you said to me last night..."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean..." The young man started to say.

"No Naruto. There's no need to apologize. If anything, a number of us should be apologizing to you, myself included. If you didn't let all of that pain out, it would've consumed you eventually, and it would've made you bitter and cold towards the people you cherish. Besides, after all that I've lost in my life, I, more than anyone else, knows exactly how you feel." The beautiful blond said with a compassionate smile.

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