Chapter 47

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto!}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~Alliance HQ~

Ao quickly detected the situation from his position with the Sensory Unit of HQ 'The situation is becoming more and more chaotic by the minute, if we don't figure something out soon... Wait, what's this?'

"What is it?" asked the Mizukage.

"I'm detecting a new group of enemy forces, it's a small unit but the feel to this chakra seems unusual. I think... I think it's Madara Uchiha."

"What did you say?"

"Madara Uchiha is now leading a small unit onto the battlefield."

"And can you tell who is in this unit?"

"I do recognize the chakra signature, it is the Yondaime Mizukage!"

"Do you mean the one that was a jinchuuriki of the Sanbi?"

"I have no doubt in my mind and all of the others with Madara are jinchuuriki as well." So confirmed.

"I can't believe he had more pawns under his control..." Shikaku muttered "And Naruto, what about him? Where is he right now?"

~Second Division~

Hinata was struggling to fight off the White Zetsu clones that came after her all at once, being overwhelmed by their sheer numbers 'There's too many, I can't defeat them all!'

"Hinata get down!" that was when Naruto burst down in front of her and stopped their blades with his bare hands "Sorry I'm late."

"Naruto... is that you? You look so different from before."

"Yeah I know but you don't have to worry, everything's gonna be alright now. I promise you, no matter what happens I'm going to protect you." he summoned several chakra arms and cut down the transformed White Zetsu clones with ease, the exposure to the Nine Tails' chakra turning them into trees.

"Done and done, Hah! Prime can suck on that one." he helped Hinata to her feet.

"Are you hurt at all Hinata?"

"I-I'm fine Naruto-k-kun."

Neji took this chance to turn around on to the Iwa shinobi in charge, "Why didn't you tell us any sooner that Naruto had arrived?"

"Probably because I just got here." Naruto pointed out sheepishly.

"I get the mutt and Akamaru not being able to sniff me out since I smell different when we're like this. But you're the one with the near 360* degree vision Neji so what gives you the right to talk shit, did you learn nothing from your ass kicking in the Chunin Exams?"

"Well I'm sorry, but you look different from before, even your chakra nature has changed completely but how do I know it's really you?"

"Blonde perfectly tanned cheeks."


"...Fine, you check out, but are you sure you're really Naruto and not one of the transformed white ones?" He asked one more time still a little suspicious since he heard personal information about them had been leaked.

"For crying out loud Neji, it's really me! Albeit I'm a clone but I'm still me!!" Naruto told him.

"You can say that all but yo can never be to cautious, even after that..." He shivered.

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