Chapter 14

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto.}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~Ichiraku ramen~

Naruto was sitting at Ichiraku's eating ramen with a bit of sake on the side talking to Ayame and Teuchi when it suddenly started to pour down raining.

'Well shit...that can't be good.' Though Naruto with a frown etching on his face.

"Thanks Ayame-neechan. Teuchi-jisan I'll see you later."

"No problem Naruto-kun, see you later!" Said Ayame with a smile with Teuchi waving in the back.

He got up leaving a tip on the bar and left wanting to find out what left him with a bad feeling in his stomach.

He wandered the streets of Konohagakure in the rain. With no place to go while receiving some curious glances from people.

Then he saw Kakashi appear in front of him with a solemn face.

"Kakashi-sensei....what's wrong." Felling he already knew the answer, he had to know as he could not take this overwhelming feeling anymore.

Kakashi looked at Naruto with his lone eye that held unwavering emotion surprising Naruto a bit.

"It's Asuma..." He started

"He's dead."

~Next morning~

The next morning the funeral was held place and every shinobi came to pay their respects to Asuma. It was a bit of a surprise when Naruto saw so many shinobi that were affected by Asuma's death.

Konohamaru was holding his hand and couldn't stop crying out for his 'Asuma-ojichan'.

Gai was crying and for this first time now that he thought about it, it was the first time he had seen Kakashi genuinely sad. He was looking for the Ino-Shika-Cho trio but when he found them they were missing Shikamaru.

'Shikamaru...where are you?' He silently wondered in his mind.

Naruto was standing in a line with the rest of the Jonin. He made sure to stand next to Konohamaru to comfort the boy in his time of grief.

The most affected of Asuma's death was Kurenai. She was currently putting a bouquet of white lilies on Asuma's tombstone.

'Fuck, weren't they were lovers?'

Temari flashed through his mind with one of her bright cheeky smiles with her cheeks full of sweet roasted chestnuts she was eating.

Then he imagined her in a graveyard standing with flowers at his grave with a stoic face but her red puffy eyes told a different story.

'Temari...I've got to see her...' He silently swore that when this was over he'd go ask Tsunade to take a trip to Suna for the rest of the day to spend some time with her.

After the funeral Naruto went straight home to get out of the rain and put on another set of clean clothes heading to go see Tsunade.

Before he could reach the Hokage tower he saw a little sweetshop and decided to buy Temari something.

"Hello welcome t-N-Namikaze-sama!! It is an honor to have you in my shop!!!" The man bowed immediately once he realized it was Naruto who entered the shop.

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