Chapter 48

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{DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Naruto.}



~Summons/ Tailed Beasts~


~Land of Lightning~
~Location Unknown~

Naruto and Killer Bee jumped through the forest at full speed, the Kurama Chakra Mode crackled around the young jinchuriki's body.

Unlike Clone Naruto, the real Naruto was actually dressed for war.

When his clone disappeared he saw everything with the real Madara Uchiha being summoned to the battlefield, the vast loss of life and all of Madara's powers, and the intimate moment he had with his fiancé . Suddenly, he detected an evil presence right in front of them and he bore his teeth as his cape fluttered behind him.

"Naruto-bro, I see him! Its Madara, he's coming right..." Bee started started but then vanished in a blur and nearly destroyed the tree that was under his feet.

Time slowed down as Naruto accelerated to full speed and crossed the distance extremely quickly. The masked Madara didn't even realize anything was coming until the shared vision of his customized Pein Rikudō managed to see a quickly approaching blur.

But it wasn't soon enough as Naruto seemed to materialize right in front of him and then unleashed a full power, full speed right hook right into his mask.

Unable to activate his Kamui in time he took the full force of the blow and crashed through two trees before one of his Jinchūriki paths managed to catch him and slow him down.

"TAKE THAT YOU EVIL FUCK!" Naruto called out as he then dodged the Jinchūriki paths attempt to counter attack and he jumped backwards to avoid several black rods that were fired at him.

"Naruto-kun...didn't expect to see you so soon..." the masked Madara said as he lifted his hand to his mask...and traced a tiny scratch on it. "...this new mask held up better than the old one."

"Shut up the fuck up," Naruto snarled. "No more games, no more deceptions. I'm not going to stop beating you down until you can't even move."

"Oho...what have I done recently to warrant such rage from you?"

"Yo yo yo! What was that Naruto bro!" Killer Bee finished.

"The front where Gaara and old man Ōnoki were...." Naruto growled not finished talking.

"The real Madara showed up."

"Wait...real Madara?!"Bee asked and his eyes widened.

The masked Madara's eyes narrowed. "...the real Madara then? Curse that Kabuto...well I suppose my act is over," he gave a mocking bow.

"You may call me Tobi..."

Naruto's body trembled in anger as he forced himself to calm down. The mocking tone that Tobi gave as well as the nonchalance at the situation in seriously pissed him off immensely.

He then glanced around and saw the new six paths of pein...and then at Tobi's Sharingan and Rinnegan. Nagato's Rinnegan...

"If you're finished shaking like a leaf...I believe we should finish this Naruto," Tobi said with a smirk.

"Unless you and the Hachibi want to just lay down and let me seal you, like the beasts you are I'll be happy to do that..." Naruto growled at this but held his tongue.

"I could've just passed right through you but if all you can manage is to cause a little scratch to my mask then I guess it doesn't even matter." Madara's tone was increasingly condescending.

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