Chapter 1: Loath family

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My eyes flutter shut, my waist grinding against him with desire, ecstasy, and satisfaction that glides through me like fire, his working fingers gracefully and ruthlessly lunging back and forth inside my soaked pussy, my area pulsating against his fingers with hunger, my exposed breasts bouncing and slapping against my chest with every time my body jerks from his hard thrusts.

My mouth gapes open with satisfaction and bliss, finding it difficult to decide whether or not to scream or moan in ecstasy and fucking thrill.

"Fuck," I hiss, my eyes rolling to the back of my head with rapture, my pussy swallowing every inch of his fingers easily.

And I craved more.

"You like it when I fuck you like this, huh?" He purrs with a satisfied grunt and groans.

My head nods in response, my moans and whimpers leaving me uncontrollably, in acceptance and vulnerability.

"God, yes." I hiss, "Papi! Fuck," I grunt, my eyes watering with satisfaction and rapture, my pussy drenching with hunger, and my breathing ragged.

This is the most impuissant he can ever get me, blinded by the reality of things.

I was taught not to keep my guard down, but here I am, letting my guard down to this monster of a man, having him inside me and craving more.

He has me in the palms of his bloodthirsty hands, begging and desiring more of his forbidden pleasure, unable to help myself, at least when I succumbed him.

The vigor of raptures that spread throughout my quivering gratifying body cries for more, needing him than I did before, as I craved for the untamed, wild pleasure and satisfactory that I have not known I missed, sobs bursting from my parted hungry lips.

My toes curl and I scream in pleasure as he bends his fingers inside my soaked pussy, pushing them further inside me, making me squirm in gratification and fulfillment, whimpering in glee.

His fingers slams to my g-spot, causing a sob of hunger and bliss to burst from my lips, my eyes rolling and watering, my back arching further back, feeling like I am in heaven.

I missed having to scream like this.

My body squirm and weakens with his pleasure even more than it was, the waves of pleasure harder to handle, yet I want more, my moans and groans leaving me uncontrollably.

He adds another finger inside of me, making it a third, stretching my pussy out than it was, making it hard to focus.

He's heartless with the way he fucks me with his long fingers and I could not be more satisfied and hungry.

The wet sound of my pussy whenever he plunges inside me is like music to my ears that we both love hearing.

It only turns us on even more.

"Fuck..." he growls, using his other thumb to rub against my clitoris, causing my body to weaken even more into pleasure, falling under his spell once again, forgetting the number one rule and what had happened. "Do you like this baby?" He growls provocatively and I quickly nod my head.

"Yeah. Fuck, very much..." I pant biting my bottom lip, using my hand to yank on my hair in thrill and ecstasy I feel and amazing and nerves wrecking contentment.

My feet are spread wide open, my knees pressing against my shoulders, my pussy pulsing against his working fingers, juice running down my pussy and thighs like a damn river.

I can only imagine how I look before his lustful eyes when he is looking down at me exposed, my swollen, wet pussy lips spread wide open and helpless.

"You're so fucking sexy," he groans, biting his bottom lip. "I want to tear the remaining of your dress and fuck you senselessly in your fucking hole," my eyes flash open with challenge and I bite my bottom lip, panting deeply.

Alessandro 16+ / Book 1Where stories live. Discover now