Chapter 39: Italy home

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A deep breath leaves my lips as my eyes watch the night falls through the window of Alessandro's jet, which is now preparing to fly out to Italy.

"I am so not up for a jet ride," Giana whines while eating some grapes placed on the table before us.

"Why so?'' I sigh, my mind meandering about what happened earlier. I can not believe I let Alessandro succumb me into coming.

As if I had a choice, but I made it that easy.

"Because I loathe long rides whether jets, planes, cars, whatever. And I even have an obnoxious stomach and wish to be in my cozy bed. Even so, I do not think I am ready to be in that house again after... everything," she sighs gloomily, and it is then I give her all my attention.

"I am sure you are," I give her a reassuring smile that she weakly returns. "Listen, Giana, you have to let the past become the past, leave hurting, pain, and damage in the past, but remember they are still a part of you if it's what makes you happy. Learn to accept what you've lost to heal. Trust me, it will destroy you."

Because it did to me.

"Your brother helped me to understand that I could not live with so much pain because it was breaking me. Sure, I will miss them, but I am healing, understanding that they are still a part of me even when they are gone," I explain to her, knowing that I am better. "You need to do the same and stop hurting."

Alessandro also helped me realize that my life is valuable and I should not blame myself for my hermano's death even though I rathered he lived that day.

I did not know it was possible to overcome my pain. Alessandro suddenly made a massive evolution in my life that I thought no one could've done in a short period.

"It is because of all the memories and then remembering that they are not here anymore. It hurts, and I try not to let it hurt. I really tried..." She speaks softly to me with a sad smile, looking at me but avoiding my eyes. "I am glad that you are healing." She talks, not wanting to converse about it anymore, and I smile, understanding her, but I hope one day she will heal. "You are a strong one that I have learned about you. What I have also witnessed was all the pain you have endured. You deserve to heal and to be happy, Adrienne." She gives me a small smile which I return, nodding.

"When we first met, I saw you hurting, broken, lost, you were in so much anguish and it showed that you faced so much trauma, and after a few days with my evil, also sweet, loving brother, I can sense light in you. You are much stronger, you are healing, and you are no longer in pain. I think my brother was what you needed in your life, and I know this sounds crazy to say, but my brother needed you too," she explains, staring at me with a jovial smile as if talking about what Alessandro and I had gained makes her happy, and I stare at her, taking everything in, a bit curious though.

"What do you mean he needed me?" I question, Alessandro is a king, cold-hearted, murderer king, why would he need me? A once damaged girl?

"He had been through a lot growing up, he had faced so much pain and losses that broke him, scarred him, made him into a monster, a lunatic that is always on a killing spree, someone with anger issues, always with prostitutes from all sorts before one day you walked in. A broken girl that wasn't any different from him, except for the prostitute part, and you gave him hope. I can see hope in his eyes. He had changed so much since you guys had met." She utters keenly, yet her voice says earnestly.

I hold my head down, listening, remembering when she first told me about his past and comprehending what she means, and I believe her.

I believe Alessandro needed me.

When Alessandro and I first met, he had made me angry and scared in ways that I thought were impossible, but I have seen him change.

I have seen the new Alessandro, and I seem to be loving that new side of him also, but, shockingly, I was the one that made him the person that he is now.

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