Chapter 60: Our normal

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The next morning the bright morning sunshine peeking through my curtains wakens me from my slumber.

My peace that always leads to my nightmare.

Throughout the night, I endured relentless nightmares, and at times, tears streamed down my cheeks as the weight of everything I'd been through caused immense pain and emotional turmoil.

Despite my constant efforts to improve, every now and then pain that entered my life continues to shatter me, leaving a lingering void in my broken heart.

Sitting up in bed, I sigh for being here yet another day.

Pulling my covers off, I get up and walk to the bathroom, taking a seat on the toilet to relieve myself.

Because of all the overthinking, my head pains so much. As if someone is using a hammer to pound against it.

With another sigh, I run my hands over my face and then through my hair. God, it's so tangled and dry. I have not brushed it since that day...I was too broken to do anything.

I sigh.

I might die soon, and though it should bring me joy, as it means being reunited with Dominic, my papa, now L-Leah... and escaping my sorrows, grief, and pain, I've discovered new reasons to live, one of them being Alessandro.

He entered my life when I was at my lowest, bringing immense happiness and healing. His care and passion were unlike anything I had experienced before.

Now, I find myself uncertain about wanting to leave everything behind, even though I may never have the chance to be with Alessandro again, given the high probability of my impending death and him never having to save me.

It surprises me to admit that my biggest fear now is the thought of never seeing Alessandro again.

God, I miss every detail of him, from his tender touches on my skin to his intoxicating scent and comforting voice. The way he calls my name and kisses me with a passion I've never known leaves a profound longing in my heart.

His heart.

Every part of him has become an essential part of my life, and despite trying not to think about him, I struggle to do so. He has me wrapped around his fingers, and while he might not desire me anymore due to me not wanting to marry him, my care for him remains unchanged.

I still hold onto the hope that Alessandro will save me, and I can only hope that believing in him won't lead to regret.

After a warm shower and washing my hair, I put on a black oversized t-shirt and shorts, tying my hair into a messy, loose bun.

Leaving my room, I head downstairs and enter the dining room, puzzled by what I see. The absence of food on the table and the absence of the maids and chef.

My eyebrows shoot up with curiosity and confusion.

My questions find answers when I met Angelo in the kitchen, wearing an apron while he was shirtless underneath, revealing impressive biceps, muscles, and tattoos, with grey sweatpants.

A fantastic way to greet people.

"Good morning, love," his raspy voice greets me as he turns to glance my way, stirring pancake batter in a bowl, a smile on his face.

"How shocking," I murmur, sitting around the island with sleek black marble tops. "Why aren't the maids and cooks here?" I inquire, and he responds with a smile.

"I sent them home," he says, turning away to attend to the stove where other meals are cooking.

"Why?" I question, crossing my hands over my chest, loving how the kitchen smells.

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