Chapter 20: Care

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Alessandro's POV

Because of who I was, I tried my best not to show solicitude and weakness towards her, but it was impossible when she was breaking.


Something I hate seeing. Especially on her. My girl.

My princess.


Adriana is tearing me apart, causing internal pain, and I have to be there for her. I need to ensure she is okay, to make sure she does not cry alone, but with me by her side, because I know there is no one else who will be there for her.

I understand what she has been through and in most parts, it is pain and heartbreak. I might not know her story, but I know it is a drastic one, and what she has been through tonight was heartbreaking to witness.

I swore on my fucking life I wanted to end Lucilla's life then, but I could not because I was sure Adriana still had some love for her even after everything she had been through because, after all, she was her mother.

The rage and empathy I feel for Adriana while I lay beside her watching her in despair, is nothing I have ever felt for anyone outside my bloodline.

That only shows how much she means to me.

If only she knows the things she does to me, how she has me wrapped around her fingers.

My eye watches her beautiful soul while she lies on her back, watching the ceiling gloomily.

Even when it pains to see her like this I can not help but admire her beauty more while I look at her. What I have always done from the day I bought her.

One day she will learn the truth about why I did it, but meanwhile, I only want to be with her. Comfort her, and let her feel safe and wanted, even though she might hate me for what I did to her best friend's father, but it is not up to her if I should stay or leave.

"Stop staring at me, weirdo. You look-look possessive," her soft voice cracks, and I keep staring without saying a word, knowing if I try removing my eyes, it will be impossible because she is beautiful, so fucking gorgeous, it is hard to look away.

"And you won't," she says softly, sighing in defeat.

I clench my teeth in anger when I notice another tear rolling down her rosy cheek. "Quit crying," I hiss in frustration, and she turns to me, another tear escaping from her lovely green eye and sliding down her perfect nose.

There is pain written all over her face, hurt, defeat.

Fuck, I wish that I could take it all away from her. She does not deserve this. She deserves nothing but happiness.

She sniffles. "I can't, okay? And I am embarrassed you have to see me like this, but I can't stop thinking about what my mother said. I know it is true, but I can't-" she begins, her voice weak with a pang, the sight causing my chest to go tight with rage and compassion.

My face grows into a frown, and I sit up in bed, reaching over and grasping hold of her soft chin, displeased over my face for her to think that.

"Nothing your mother said is fucking true. Nothing. You are strong, brave, brave enough to stand up to me, fucking smart, even though you have done some dumb stuff," a smile creeps over her lips before disappearing. "Crazily beautiful, and talented. Do not let anyone tell you differently because I know what I see in you, princess. What I see in you is golden. You are everything everyone desires to be and have," my voice utters softly to her, staring into her watery eyes to let her know how serious I am.

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