Chapter 25: Flight

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The silence is like poison to the atmosphere, it has danger, and if I dare to say anything I will be good as dead.

My timid eyes watch as he taps his fingers against his leg impatiently, his face looking as if it is going to explode at any moment. The sight of him makes me gulp, pushing my rage and fear down, knowing I do not want to snap and then meet my end, nor do I want to let my fear out to show my weakness.

There is nothing I can do but drive in the toxin of silence, hoping for the best where there might not be anything to hope for.

I bring my eyes to the window, the simple droplets of rain sliding away, the buildings into view quickly fading as more comes.

Still, I do not know where we are heading, but based on my attire I may have a clue.

I still do not understand why Alessandro always requests me outfits when there is a large closet with tons of untouched, expensive outfits inside my bedroom.

I am currently dressed in a black silk dress that falls above my knees, the dress having a form-fitting design that accentuates my body's curves, but it is not overly revealing. The luxurious fabric of the dress is smooth to the touch, but it is simple and probably will not entice any men- just like how he wants.

No one to look at what he claims is 'his' God he makes me so God, damn sick.

The dress is strapless, covering my cleavage, and featuring a delicate slit down the center that doesn't reveal too much. The worse thing about this hideous thing is that I am wearing a massive black coat that swallows my body and is demand to keep it on.

Sighing, I turn to look at him once more with only a simple question hoping for an answer. "Did you choose my outfit?"

His eyes do not move from glaring notoriously through the window as the only word I expect comes out. "Yes."

I turn my head back to my window.

Every second he gives me another reason to hate him. All he does is make me angry and full of hatred, and I am already too broken with lots of trauma from my previous life to have more emotions to deal with.

Though I am grateful that I have not endured bad treatment from him like how my cruel family did to me back home every day.

I have not been hurt by him or anyone else despite his rage and threats toward me, but I still have expectations.

I appreciate the little break. If I was home, I would've been bandaging my new wounds, crying inside my bedroom from the hateful words that were thrown at me, or because of my unbearable pain or me still trying to be good enough for them... mother, I hate her, but I still want her to see what she see in my hermanos.

The car stops after what felt like an eternity of misery.

Alessandro's guards swing open the doors of the SUV, revealing a group of men impeccably dressed in black-tailored tuxedos.

We both step out of the car, and I look out at the scene ahead, my eyes widening in shock and disbelief.

In that quick moment, my chest tightens.

"Sir," a guard greets, stepping aside from the steps of the black and gold private jet, my disbelieving eyes watching Alessandro ascends the steps, not even glancing at me.

What a freaking ass this man is.

Why wasn't I informed I was leaving the state? Or where ever!

As if I had a say in it.

With my blood boiling, I start taking small steps in his direction, purposely dragging my feet to prolong his wait. He has no right to boss me around and leave me in the dark about our destination, so he deserves to be even more late than he already is.

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