Chapter 67: The spot

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A day dragged on, passing by slowly, yet somehow, I managed to navigate through the morning, and now it's evening, with the relentless sun casting its glow.

Throughout the hours, I've been entangled in a whirlwind of emotions.  Lost, worried, terrified, and astonished, still grappling with the news I learned yesterday that I haven't eaten, which caused me to get sick, and I suspect it's because of the baby.

My baby...

I am to be a mother...

This has deeply entangled me in the ongoing drama of my daily life that I'm already grappling with. I am healing from recent events and the trials of my past, ones I can't seem to conquer, and this new concern threatens to break me even further, pushing me to the brink of my sanity and drowning me in a whirlwind of anger, sorrow, and despair.

Since the worst events in my life, nothing has truly changed. I've only managed to momentarily set aside my problems for a few minutes, or if I'm fortunate, a few hours before the pain resurfaces.

Most of the time I try to bury my pain, brokenness, and hurt, but it doesn't always succeed. Sometimes, I find myself consumed by thoughts of Alessandro when I'm not preoccupied with my other troubles.

I lied to my mother when I told her she almost broke me when in reality, she did.


I've just landed back in the US, and now I'm in my SUV, heading to Angelo and my house. He had to stay behind for some business matters, so I'm here alone, dealing with all this.

After marrying him, he now trusts me completely, so I can travel everywhere I please.

The car ride feels endless, and I'm overwhelmed by everything that's been haunting me, driving me to the brink. It's as if my head is being pounded relentlessly with everything.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. "Driver?" I inquire, catching his attention as he gazes at me in the rearview mirror. "I'd like you to take me somewhere special," I suggest, already having a place in mind.

Maybe being there will provide some respite from the relentless turmoil in my mind and the question that has been tormenting me for hours, driving me to the brink of insanity.

Who is the father of my unborn child?


I catch sight of the familiar limestone rocks, and a rush of memories floods back, causing my stomach to tighten.

Everything appears just as I remember it.

The emotions I experienced that first time return, and I inhale deeply, readying myself to revisit the place where the love of my life once brought me and I fell in love with.

Here, I found freedom from pain and worries, witnessing his hidden virtues for the first time.

As the car halts, I don't wait for the driver to open my door; I step out, embracing the familiar sensation of the cool breeze tousling my hair and the salty sea air on my lips.

"I'll be right back," I tell him, knowing I want to be alone.

The sun's warmth bathes my skin as I take a deep breath, following the path towards the breathtaking view.

I can now savor the peace, quiet, and beauty in this place once more that I have never imagined returning to alone because I always pictured coming back with Alessandro, the one who first brought me here and introduced me to this spectacular beauty.

As I stroll down the pathway, I reach the imposing rock that leads to the sea. Grabbing onto it, I'm grateful I swapped my heels for something more practical, making the climb easier.

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