Chapter 56: Bad side

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As mentioned earlier, I will not allow Angelo Rossi to hurt Alessandro or his family, at least for as long as I am alive.

I refuse to sit here and let it happen where I have a better chance to thwart Rossi's sinister scheme when I know his malevolent intentions.

After his callous words escape his bitter lips, my teeth clench together, and a surge of anger and determination courses through my veins, my fists tightening, fueled by an intense hatred toward him.

In response to my resolute expression, he responds with a repulsive, icy smile, prompting me to narrow my eyes at him, a mix of anxiety and infuriation twisting my stomach.

"I will not allow that to happen," I hiss, my jaw clenched, my eyes piercing him with an intense gaze. "You will not disseminate that video to anyone," I assert, my voice dripping with a menacing whisper.

In the face of my words, he nonchalantly chuckles, evoking a curious raise of my eyebrow, knowing that I just delivered a menacing and unequivocal warning.

"Yeah?" He asks, laughing coldly. "Who is going to fucking stop me, love? Batman? Robin?" He snorts a laugh, his cold eyes watching me with amusement.

"Much worse..." I declare fiercely, my voice dripping with venom, causing him to raise his eyebrows with amusement. Clearly, he did not anticipate such a response. "I. Will. End. You," I threaten, my words filled with threat.

He snorts, taking a step back before unexpectedly bursting into laughter as if I had just told a joke, but the truth is, he is the one underestimating me, thinking I'm a joke when I am the fucking opposite.

He fails to comprehend that I would willingly die for Alessandro... without thought.

Shaking my head at him, my blood boiling with fury, I grip the butter knife tightly, the handle solid in my hand.

"God... I must be hilarious," I sarcastically remark, pausing deliberately before adding a bitter "haha."

He points his finger at me, still laughing maniacally, the veins on his tattooed neck bulging.

"G-god-God! Y-you... you're fucking h-hilarious!" He stammers, struggling to control his mad laughter. Suddenly, he abruptly stops, his dark eyes fixating on me. "You're weak," he spits out bitterly, resting his right hand on the table next to me, his cold gaze piercing mine.

I disdainfully scoff at him, shaking my head in disbelief. "Being weak makes you a target and looked down on," I assert, my eyes burning with hatred, rage, and fire. "Perhaps you haven't received the memo, Rossi, but I am no longer the feeble bitch I once was... I am damn well stronger!" With conviction, I grip the knife tightly in my other hand and swiftly hurl it through the back of his hand, the resounding impact swiftly followed by an anguished howl of pain escaping his throat as blood splatters across the table. "The old Adrienne is dead. A bad bitch has now been born."

Alessandro's POV

His memory

"Mother," the very word tastes venomous as it escapes my lips, the rage inside me, an uncontrollable tempest that has been building up for so long, seeking release through her and her alone.

The woman who professed love but harbored nothing but hatred for me. And she hates my siblings as well, despite being the one who brought them into this world.

I can never forget the times when she continually begged for Giovanni's innocence and life to be sacrificed in order to preserve mine, even though she never truly loved me.

She never loved me because she would sit and observe as my father subjected me to torment, starting from a young age and persisting until I reached manhood being the vile monster the world has known me to be.

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