Chapter 18: View

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We position ourselves in the heart of the boxing ring, hordes of persons congregating around us.

In the corner, Alessandro and Ares stand with their arms firmly folded across their sturdy chests, their expressions devoid of emotion.

Their countenances resemble statues. Alessandro, in particular, has a captivating yet unapproachable allure, a sight so hot that it almost feels sinful to witness such perfection.

With a sigh, I assume a fighting stance, listening as the people inside the room chant for their loving Valentina.

I prepare to fight.

A young participant initiates the commencement of the match with a countdown, accompanied by the waving of a flag.

Valentina takes the initiative, launching the first punch with brutal force, the punch landing viciously on the side of my face, jolting it violently to the side, sending a searing pain surging through me.

I let out a painful groan, instinctively raising my hands to shield my face as I maneuver in circular motions, bobbing and weaving, observing Valentina as she mirrors my movements, already prepared to deliver another punch.

Her hand strikes once more, connecting with my waist, sending a wave of agony throughout my body, causing a growl to escape my lips.

"Come on, Adrie, I am going easy," Valentina scolds with a smile, moving around in a circle with me.

"Come on, Valentina, finish her!"

"Valentina!" A few of the people inside the room start chanting her name while they watch excitingly.

Her fist approaches once more and I swiftly interlock my arms, successfully blocking her intended punch to my face, but she unexpectedly sweeps her foot sideways, causing my feet to lose balance, as she sends me crashing to the floor, a pained grunt escaping my lips.

I must admit, she has impressive skill. There's no denying that fact.

A low growl leaves me as the crowd resumes their chant, their enthusiasm filling the room.

Her lips curl into a grin, revealing her dazzling white teeth, as her figure looms over mine.

With her arm extended towards me, she taunts, "Need a hand?" Her smirk lingers in the air, and I reach out, gripping her offered hand, and allowing her to pull me back up onto my feet.

My gaze briefly shifts to Alessandro, who stands there with an unwavering expression, his arms tightly crossed over his muscular chest, as his biceps commands the attention of the girls present.

They look captivated, practically drooling over him.


His eyes locks with my gaze, betraying nothing but coldness, and I wish I could read his thoughts.

Tearing my eyes away, I redirect my focus back to Valentina.

Alessandro must think I am weak.

With clenched fists, I closely observe Valentina's agile movements, mirroring her jolting up and down motions.

"Come at me," she taunts, gesturing me to engage, and I prepare to launch my strike, but before I can execute my move, her fist collides with my stomach, unleashing waves of pain inside me.

Suppressing a cry, I bite down on my tongue.

It hurts, but I've endured worse, so I can get through this.

Her other hand swiftly lands a punch on my waist, followed by a forceful strike that propels my chin upward, jerking me backward with great impact, causing me to lose my balance and land roughly on my ass.

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