Chapter 62: Downfall

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Alessandro's POV

"Why are you here?" My voice resonates with a dark and deadly tone, my eyes freezing the night with their coldness.

"Well, you see, the news about you has not been good. Rumors of the ruthless king and the crimes he has committed-"

When have the rumors been good?

"What. Do. You. Want?" I growl with displeasure at the woman who claims to be my mother but never was.

"My daughter."

My eyebrows knit in confusion as I process her words and try to confirm if I heard correctly.

After all these years, why now?

What could she possibly want with my sister?

Those questions remain unanswered, as there is no way in hell I will ever give my sister to her.

Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

Mother has not always been honorable, and her current state is even worse. Who knows what she might do to harm my sister?

"No," I hiss, my tone icy, my head shaking in disbelief at her nonsensical request. "Your demand is absurd, and I can not fathom why you would even ask. No."

She hums softly, her voice dripping with menace. "Given the enemies you have amassed, all eager for your downfall, I will not stand idly by. When that day arrives, I do not want her to suffer alongside you," she warns, her words cold and dark.

"No one has the power to bring my downfall. If the tables were turned, well, let us say, they would meet a grim fate. I will forever be a mafia king, wielding unmatched power. My name alone causes fear in all who hear it. Understand this, 'mother' my sister is safe and protected by me, Giovanni, and Noemi. Do not forget you have other children too..." I scoff, locking her gaze with a frigid stare. "However, if that is all you need, you have your answer, so now, leave."

With a bitter chuckle, she shakes her head. "You do have a sense of humor, my son. Of course, I remember my other children, but I only hold concern for my littlest one I do..."

"It is reassuring to witness the depth of your affection for your youngest child..." my deep voice retorted, tinged with disgust and hostility.

She responds with notorious laughter, making me grit my teeth. "You know me, forever the team player..."

For fuck sake.

I growl in frustration, gritting my teeth. "Giana is not going with you. Now, leave," I warn, my patience dwindling as anger surges.

Did she genuinely believe I would surrender my little sister? Typical and foolish.

"I will not leave until I am sure my daughter is returning home, safe with me," she snaps back, making me irritated by her obstinacy, my gaze narrowing intensely.

"As I have already stated, Giana is safe here, with us, with me. You will not be taking her," I declare ruthlessly.

"Who is going to stop me?" She challenges, spreading her arms wide as if she expects a challenge. "Son, I have the right!" She shouts. "I am her mother!"

"I will stop you," I step closer threateningly, and she looks up at me with a smirk as if impressed. "You forfeited your claim to this family when you ran away. Giana is better off with me... and you know perfectly well that you do not deserve her!"

"You are well aware that she is not safe with you! You will end up getting her killed-"

"And you would not?" I raise an eyebrow in curiosity, gritting my teeth. "Mother, your track record with taking care of children- Giovanni, Noemi, and me included- speaks volumes. You cannot have her. I am fully aware of the cruel things you would subject her to. We all know are nothing good," I fix her with an intense glare, my eyes daring her.

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