Chapter 54: New plan

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He has returned once again, appearing in my dreams.

My papa...

After Alessandro healed and helped me overcome my grieving pain, I never anticipated seeing him again.

In my dream, Papa gazes at my eight-year-old self, a smile on his face that disperses the dark clouds and reveals a radiant, blazing sun.

Papa retains the innate ability to bring me joy, even when he is sad.

Nothing else matters except my happiness, and the same holds true for me.

Without his happiness, nothing matters to me.

All I ever wished for Papa and me was to live in happiness, but it was never that way because Mama never allowed him... she never allowed us to be free.

However, I am aware that Papa once experienced happiness before he was confined in this prison.

There was a time when Papa led a joyful life, and the thought that he would never experience it again breaks my heart.

"Papa, what was it like with mama before it became frightening and terrifying?" I inquire softly, prompting his head to turn towards me, his bright green eyes meeting mine as he gently holds my hand with his large one.

Papa blesses me with a small smile, which I gladly reciprocate, preparing myself to hear his tale.

I adore Papa's stories.

"No, my brave angel. Your mother and I were once happy," he says, his gaze turning away as if reminiscing about the good old days. "Your mother brought light into my life when it was consumed by darkness. She illuminated places in my world that seemed unreachable. She took away my troubles..." He chuckles softly to himself, shaking his head. "She brought out the best in me, my angel. She made me the happiest man alive and a better person. She was vivacious, intelligent, and truly wonderful."

I beam at him, feeling excitement bubbling within me as I anticipate his memories. "Papa, what does 'vivacious' mean?" I ask him curiously.

"It means attractively lively, my angel," he chuckles, turning to look at me with tender eyes.

"Okay, papa, please continue."

"Your mother adored music and dancing. Our favorite thing to do was to dance in the pouring rain and sing in the early mornings. You would never have guessed that she was a powerful mafia queen... Before you came along, your mother was always the most beautiful woman in the world to me," he says, pinching my cheek and causing a joyous laugh to escape my lips.

"Yeah?" I giggle, knowing I am the most beautiful girl in my papa's eyes.

"Yes, my brave angel. Your mother had the most perfect, long raven hair and dark eyes that could render me vulnerable with a single glance. Her beauty was unparalleled, and her voice would make my heart flutter. Lucilla made me fall in love with her every day as if I wasn't already madly in love with her at first sight..." A laugh escapes his lips, one devoid of any bitterness. "Love," he mutters to himself as if contemplating how he could have ever loved her. "I was a man with no one. Just an employee struggling in a shitty company until she came along," he says, making me giggle.

"You said 'shitty,' Papa!" I laugh at him, holding his hand in mine to feel closer and safer.

He's so warm.

"Shh, don't tell Mama, okay?" He playfully pleads.

I nod my head. "Okay, papa, I won't."

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