Chapter 26: Lustful sight

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"Tell me why you needed me here?" I question Alessandro, gulping and looking straight ahead at the men.

He remains silent and starts moving towards the men and I let him guide me without protest because I'm aware he wouldn't listen to me anyway.

I sigh to myself as we finally approach, and the men nod in acknowledgment.

Alessandro takes a seat on an unoccupied couch and draws me next to him, encircling my waist with his burly arm before he adjusts his position, catching my gaze wandering his lap where a noticeable bulge resides.

Feeling my cheeks flush, I swiftly avert my eyes as he turns towards me, wearing a smirk on his face. "You can sit on my lap if you like, princess, but I doubt you would be able to concentrate," his warm breath tickling my neck tells me his face is close to me, making it hard to stop blushing.

I shake my head at him, not bothering to turn around. "I'm good."

I could hear him smirk when he spoke. "Suit yourself." It went quiet for a few seconds before he speak, making me turn my head back to the men. "Gentlemen," He greets with a deep, low-pitched, atrocious voice.

My eyes watch as the men examine me.

Every inch of me, making my body feel naked.

They are all intimidating, but for some reason, they are not like this devil next to me.

"Quién es la chica? (Who is the girl)," A rascal voice asks, and my eyes travel toward him as he ignites his large cigar, taking a puff with his grey eyes on me.

"No fucking questions," Alessandro speaks darkly. "Where is the fucking drive?" He talks as if he has no patience, but then again, the bastard does not.

Another man takes something from his jacket and sets it on the table. Alessandro's eyes quickly lock onto the drive, scanning it before he snatches it up and puts it in his pocket.

I wonder what is on there?

"You know..." The man that passed the drive speaks. "That drive comes with a price..."

"The price?" Alessandro inquires bluntly, glaring at the man, his expression giving away nothing.

"It's simple..." I groan. This is worse than watching some boring movie. "Hire my men to work for you."

Alessandro narrows his gaze, leaning in, his hands resting on his lap, fingers intertwining as a wicked smirk takes shape. "Why the fuck would I do that?" His voice was a deadly whisper.

"My men are well trained, loyal, smart, fast, and dangerous," the man explains with confidence.

"But you fail to tell how many enemies they have, plotting left, right and center. Men who want blood and dead bodies...I already have an army up on armies of vengeful enemies up my ass, waiting for my downfall. Another batch is not a possibility. It would only be a fucking burden on me and my mafia," his voice holds nothing but cold and unforgiving danger. "Not taking that risk."


"As. I. Said. I am sure you do not want me to reiterate," the place goes silent. Deafening, cadaverous silence. Bodies upon bodies of silence. I am starting to think I went deaf. "Your men are nothing compared to my soldiers. We together will only have unwanted enemies. Your men are just diminutive filling in with my soldiers that will not modify anything to my mafia. We do not need your men...." He looks at each of the men watching with disappointed faces, waiting for them to dare say something. "So, if you do not mind... another price, perhaps none?"

A few of the men changes a few looks.

"I thought you'd say that," another one of the men begins. "We have another-"

Alessandro 16+ / Book 1Where stories live. Discover now